Why did Americans absolutely refuse to wear masks, get vaccinated, and socially distance...

Why did Americans absolutely refuse to wear masks, get vaccinated, and socially distance? You didn't see this level of psychopathic science denial in any other country.

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mrna experiment vax doesnt work

government mandates = modern day tuskegee experiment except on whites instead of niggers.

The best thing about the USA:
independent individuals thinking and acting for themselves.

Unfortunately “thinking” was co-opted by social media so now people — on all sides — follow like sheep and hi e-mind instead of thinking.

tl, dr America’s greatest asset became its greatest liability. : (

The chart doesn't take into account the deaths caused by pandemic response. The chart doesn't take into account the long-term consequences of causing a global economic recession, postponing education, and preventing people from exercising.

never post again

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Look, fake numbers

kek this boomer kike is a joke

Masks are fake and gay

Why are you showing a tweet from 2020? Is this what the cool kids call 'slide thread'?

>Sweden didn't do anything
>One of the lowest rates

If you want me to go see your movie, or buy your video game, or do literally ANYTHING beyond my default behavior, the burden is on those who want me to change to convince me to change. This is the case for every single situation.

If I, along with millions of Americans, didn't wear a mask, the obvious answer is that your arguments weren't good enough to convince me to change from my default behavior.

This is, was, and shall always be the answer whenever someone asks: "Why did/didn't you do [insert thing]?"

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Fuck you because that’s why. I don’t care if the rest of the world wants to be dick sucking cucks for their government, real Americans don’t trust nor do they listen to their government. Part of that reason is why we have 400 million guns.

Tippy toppest of keks, shitposter. Masks do next to nothing and the vaccines are so dangerous that it's reprehensible that people willingly took it and beyond reprehensible that they then try to shame and force others to do the same. The lack of critical thinking, healthy skepticism and inability to conduct relatively easy independent research is astounding, honestly. I feel pitty for those so susceptible to psychological warfare.

Were are the other 160 countries of the world?
Only globalist ones are in that chart.

How many times are you going to make this shitty thread?

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well now that we know lockdowns do absofuckinglutely nothing

I'm never taking it nigger

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Had nothing to do with blm riots

>present faulty covid statistics and frame it to make someone in the federal government that you don't like look bad even though healthcare initiatives and lockdowns are state level issues. I wonder how much neeping the press and democrats would have made if Trump pushed for lockdowns and a vaccination initiative because he'd be overstepping his role and it would make him a "fascist." Let's be real, there was never any way for him to win on this, no matter what he did.

Meanwhile, Biden runs on a promises to make vaccination available and institute lock downs, gets elected and does literally fuck all. COVID body counts double while he's in office and then suddenly they decide to just ignore it, cut the counts by like a quarter and then say "whoops we counted wrong." And people are happy with this guy?

why indeed

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>COVID is almost killing me but my skin is clear and well colored and I'm still well enough to take a selfie and post on social media

Americans are NOT afraid of GLOBALIST, and we won't let anyone take away our RIGHTS (and we have enough arms to the degree that 'they'd' have to NUKE everyone here to take us out!

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Seifer was based. Loved his character. Probably because he’s a White Male. Love being white.
>inb4 some retard copes with America having no white people yet the media condemns us daily

>Nobel Krugman
>Paul Nobel Krugman

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They were fearlessly DOING the science, as opposed to 'believing' it

It was just the flu.

what virus?

Bro I had Covid in May 2020 and that shit felt like death. I took photos and I look physically in good health but I’m dead behind the eyes. The fatigue and internal pains wiped me out and I felt like giving up a lot of the time. The ER said a
Blood ox of 92 was fine and I should stay at home.

You know what got me through? Fucking /cvg/ of all things. Fuck a vax, Any Forums saved my life