I saw a tranny at my workplace and I'm absolutely mortified

Not picrel.
Was posted to this one place where I literally saw a 40 year old, balding man who called himself a woman, wore earrings and wore a dress after hours. I'm fucking terrified of this guy, I cannot believe all the memes I saw here were real.

He sleeps in the same bunks as the women, who are all very terrified of him but they cannot say a word or their career is absolutely gone.

Holy fuck bros how do I handle trannies in the workplace? I'm strongly considering quitting.

Attached: Tranny.jpg (850x567, 42.98K)

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Let him rape the other women you bigot

Not my problem

>Let him rape the other women you bigot
The funny thing is that he's the only man that can boss women around and they cannot say anything. They are too afraid of sounding like a bigot. He absolutely dominates them in a way that would send normal men into prison.

Oh, they gave him his job back? It's very telling that the most famous Canadian soldier is a cross dressing serial killer

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Play the race card, race supersedes faggotry on the stack. Or out-faggot the troon.

you should suck his tranny cock

>Oh, they gave him his job back? It's very telling that the most famous Canadian soldier is a cross dressing serial killer
There's something deep in Canadian people that make them psychotic.
>Play the race card, race supersedes faggotry on the stack. Or out-faggot the troon.
How did you know I could place the race card, are you spying on me?

Nobody in the Canadian military is still white

Ask him out and rake that maple bussy.

>Nobody in the Canadian military is still white

Most army and navy bases are majority white.

>He sleeps in the same bunks as the women, who are all very terrified of him but they cannot say a word or their career is absolutely gone.
absolutely based troon punishing feminsts

My previous job had a statistically impossible amount of trannies.
Anyways, I don’t play the pronoun game so I just called them by their name, which was really obvious since I’m a big “yes sir/ma’am, no sir/ma’am” kind of guy even in casual conversation, rather than as a formality reserved for management.
If they are good at their job don’t worry about it and if they are bad find ways to sabotage their social/professional advancement.

Find where he lives and send a storm of hatemail. With any luck you can make him into a statistic.

I was coming back through Vermont years ago and I saw one for the first time in a gas station in some town close to Montpelier, don't remember where exactly because I only stopped for gas.
It was the most unsettling thing I've ever experienced.
I remember feeling something that I can only describe as deep disgust mixed with some kind of empathetic sadness.
It was like watching an animal going through so much suffering and pain the most humane thing you could do is to end its miserable existence right then and there.

Attached: 1649233787424.jpg (696x380, 56.67K)

Same. Only ever seen one, I was at a petrol station in a really small town and there was a trannie serving. I've never felt that part of my brain kick in before saying 'DANGER, DANGER, KILL IT'

Clown world is so fucking hilarious. What an absolute joke people are.

Straight men rape more women than trannies ever will and I don't see you incels doing anything against str8 men.

Attached: FIWgriXUcAMDdtt.jpg (1638x2048, 596.62K)

Who gives a shit if women get raped? It's just women, women, women blah blah don't give a fuck

>Your best bet is to simply avoid any interactions at all with any trans people, but trannies just can’t let you be. They force themselves into every space where they aren’t wanted and then demand that those spaces make accommodations for them, accommodations which always agree with whatever the British monarchy demands.
>They’re on the news, in your videogames, in your radio ads, in your libraries, in your schools, at your workplaces, and they will continue cropping up in every aspect of your life.
>You cannot escape these people any more than you can escape the IRS.


Attached: IYGAGTW Cover.png (1169x1793, 3.47M)

>being in the CF after after 2010
>being reg force in the pc/pg digital era
Was a med tech from 2008-2016 but reserves. I actually did my bmq/sq at Shiloh before it was shutdown kek and back then MCpl's would still lay hands on you lol.

You have to be 18 to post here.

Yeah, I know that mix of disgust, pity, and caution.

Are you in the CAF, in a geo unit by chance?

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