I miss the 90s so much bros.. Everything was better, more fun, more real, more wholesome, more abundant...

I miss the 90s so much bros.. Everything was better, more fun, more real, more wholesome, more abundant, the sun was still yellow.

It feels like we were sent to hell now bros. Its hard to deal.

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OP is a catamite (effeminate bottom no power)

>then it is an event fight

You and me brother. Young people have no idea, no concept of what they are missing. America was amazing.

I literally feel like we were sent to hell. There must be another world out there where the 90s prevailed.

You’ve always been in Hell. The 90s just had a veil over it.

>I miss the 90s so much bros.
Try growing up in the 70s and 80s.
It's even worse.
We knew it was all over mid 1990s

1999 was literally the last good year.

Love God, Buy Silver/Gold, Buy food and water purification.
This is not hell and you can make sure you never go there. Just trust God and ask Jesus for his forgiveness, he died for you to have this chance.

Yeah. I remember when life was a hell of a lot more fun too, but I don't think neon, parachute pants and backwards hats had a single thing to do with it.

cope harder zoomie

Remember things really were better and they want you think that they weren't so you accept this fetid world without question


It was really fun in the 1970s and 80s. I post this all the time, but find and checkout these movies and it will give you a REAL idea what it was like growing up in the 70s and 80s.

It's almost exactly how it was. Watch these movies in this order

This is what it was like growing up in the 70's and being a teenager/young adult in the 80's
Hell you could get into any bar in the 80s with a $5 fake id. Most never even cared unless you looked 12 or something.

90s were great until about 94 then a sharp decline until 98 and then the smoking bans shut down most of the clubs and bars and the internet took up the slack. By 99 it was done. I was out of the country after that for 12 years and came back to SJW's, kids getting their dicks chopped off and hipsters. Reverse culture shock was in full affect.

Here's a playlist of all the movies. Enjoy!

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The 90s still exist and will always continue to exist in the afterlife dude. We are literally just participating in an existence right now, where we explore what it is like to experience a certain pace of civilizational development. But all stages of civilizational development exist in the afterlife for all to enjoy forever, should they want to.

Read near-death experience (NDE) accounts and basically all you can about NDEs. Books, YouTube-videos, articles, everything. They will make you realize that there is an afterlife, that there is meaning to life, and that near-death experiencers (NDErs) say that the primary purpose here is to learn to love everyone and everything, no matter what. That it does not matter so much what kind of things we do, but whether we do them with no strings attached, and summon that kindness, love, and compassion on the inside of our own minds as we do it. So the meaning of life then, according to NDErs, is the small things. Whether it is helping someone with their homework, cooking dinner for our family, cleaning the bathroom, or picking up trash from the ground. Whatever it is, if we do it with love, then that is so huge on the other side, it is amazingly huge. So life is like a game where the goal is to summon as much kindness, love, compassion, and generosity as we possibly can squeeze out of our intentions. Which admittedly is definitely easier said than done!

And we should take NDErs seriously, because they are representative of the population as a whole, and convince everyone that there is an afterlife once they have a deep NDE themselves. Therefore, deep NDEs convince 100% of the population that there is an afterlife, and just like everyday life is more real than our dreams, so too do NDErs say that the NDE world was vastly more real - and self-evidently so - than everyday life: youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

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the 90s was the 50s with racial diversity and the last bright moments of American culture.

Yeah. The 90's really were the golden years.
Great music.
Wholesome television.
Classic movies.
Internet was still free and open.
Video games were still counterculture.
No troon shit.
Nigger shit was at shoe level.
Gay shit was still mildly taboo.
Woke shit wasn't a thing.
No social media or cellphones meant you had to have actual social skills to get around.
Etc. Etc.
Really an amazing time to be alive.

Yes, zoomers.
We are going to have a 90s thread now.

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They felt more comfy

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I wanted to say "2000", but the dotcom bubble popped in 2000. You really are right, 1999 was the last year of the old era.

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

I lived through the 90s but it all seems like a blurry dream. I can't remember anything clearly apart from Spiceworld the movie.

Cuckpitalis anons. The only reason why your shithole was ''cool'' during the 90' was beacuse cuckpitalism wanted to show off it was a better choice than socialism. Now that socialism is dead, cuckpitalism is showing its true colors

>It feels like we were sent to hell
If only you knew how right you are...

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I miss 90s nickelodeon

>more wholesome
Please define. Sounds homophobic.

Saudi 90's look like US 70's

our saturday morning cartoons were edgy as fuck, lmao.


>the sun was still yellow
fuck I know exactly what you mean. I know it's probably just nostalgia from being a child, but I miss it.