Wypipo don sesun

Why is the most common negroidal argument? Where did it come from? Do niggers just love to create logical fallacies, then later claim they invented fried chicken and peanut butter?

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just feed them pepper spray

picrel /thread

Most of their "soul food" was just invented by us Whites anyway, such as mac and cheese and sweet potatoes and such... But as you know they "we wuz" everything... Problem with that pic though is there are no "free lunches"... they force the goy cattle to pay for their low quality high cost shit, then usually screw over White families in every sense with those Marxist government education centers. All races get kiked by the system but Whites alienated in inner cities areas get screwed over more.

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Inner city areas * typo

Dawn dish soap is not seasoning

She's not wrong, white people have the blandest food.

You should see Filipino food.

The majority of White people literally can't cook tho that's why they all eat out at other people's restaurants

Ummmmm.....this is the gayest "argument" ever. White food is Amazing.
When was in the goddamned Army I got pretty fat on German food and Italian food.

Nigger food is shit like Chitlins and whatever actual humans toss out.
Also Kiss my ass

most of their soul food comes from a fondness of rape

How is it??

black people eat raw sand

the majority of whites in america are anglos

We go right to left Chong


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>You just were supplied it by them
fucking yankees, I swear to god...

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white people dont wash they chicken

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the majority of people can't cook.

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Niggers mainly eat chips from bodegas. The seasoning meme was started by jews.

Nothing wrong with that. Stop being pernickety.

See, back in the day, cotton was kind of annoying to farm since most of the rotation crops (root crops to plant between cotton seasons to replenish the soil) were inefficient either due to low yield or low profits. Peanuts were one of the low profit options, since nobody wanted the things. What George Washington Carver did was realize peanuts would be the best option by a longshot, if he could just make people want peanuts enough to make them profitable. So he pitched LOADS of random marketing ideas for how they could get people to want to buy peanuts. Promoting peanut butter as a snack food just happened to be one of the big ones that made the idea work.

But that's too in-depth for most people, so it's easier to just say he invented peanut butter.