Do you come online just to OWN THE NIGGERS


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Niggers tongue my anus


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Is this Detroit?

Glad to see them thriving in their own environment. Unless this is under a freeway in L.A. which, let's face it, it could be.

I'm imagining a lot more stinky ass smell than one would expect.

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Yes. I too come here to worship them Gonzalez

Imagine giving her corn on the cob.

Attached: african-gapped-teeth.png (800x859, 520.21K)

Are these women fat or just pregnant?

Unless this is under a freeway in L.A. which, let's face it, it could be.
Fucking kek.

I accidentally the greentext

I don't need to go online to own niggers.

yes im doing my duty of saying nigger atleast once per day

Q: What's purple and stands in my front lawn?
A: He's my nigger and I'll paint him any color I want!

pregnant, white women have been slacking.

Negros have up to 2 million (yes two million) DNA base pair differences (mutations) than all other races, and one set of differences changes the properties of excreted urine, which in mammals is also excreted in sweat. Blacks also emit more bilirubin in sweat, and Blacks emit more testosterone in sweat (both genders). Phosphorous differences would cause the most stench differences though, but many smelly volatile compounds were carefully measured in a brave 2017 paper proving that Negros smell four times more than other races…

2017 : The Effect Of Ethnicity On Human Axillary Odorant Production


Negros excrete these odor enhancing chemicals far more than any other race :

Hexanoic Acid (a goat odor)
Butyric Acid (the MOST smelly chemical a human can produce and negros make 300% more, sour milk smell)
Propanoic Acid (belly button odor)
Acetic Acid (vinegar-like smell)
Valeric Acid (unpleasant odor to humans)

See Figure 2 from that science paper for a graph of those emitted chemicals that negros exude in their animal sweat.

See Figure 3 to see that Negros exude these smelly volatiles in abundance :

7-Octenoic Acid (over twice as much)
2-Octenoic acid
Methyl-2-hexenoic acid (over twice as much in all measurements)
3-hydroxy-3-methylhexanoic acid

As a group, African-Americans produced relatively higher amounts of all straight-chain acids: acetic, propanoic, butyric, valeric, and hexanoic; however, when branch-chained acids (isobutyric, 2-methylbutyric, and isovaleric acid) were examined, Caucasian donors appeared to produce relatively higher amounts than East Asian and African-American donors

I ain’t reading that nerd. I will cummy in ur mommy!

Back in the day they wouldn't bother censoring nude Africans on tv because literally nobody could get aroused from that.

Honestly I wanna suckle on the left one’s big disgustin hangers

not since the 13th amendment passed

>Do you come online just to OWN THE NIGGERS
Nah no fun, it's too easy to piss off Americans

the Himba tribe cover themselves in a local red clay which has supposedly has antibacterial properties

Attached: Himba_4.jpg (2048x1360, 969.21K)

Nothing wrong with black people living in their natural habitat.

Owning niggers is making a comeback?

I own ur ass. U enjoy it secretly.

I really just want kikes to be removed from power then we will have a free hand to deal with niggers


DESU, IRL way more non-white people have brought up Jewish conspiracies to me than 'white' people have. By a long shot.

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