Jared Kushner says he's keeping trim because he believes there's a chance he'll live forever


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He's a fucking Jew, of course he wants to live forever, he already looks like a fucking skeleton. Creepy ass motherfucker.

I think he understands the "eternal jew" metaphor too literally

Kikes know hell is their final resting place, they will do literally anything to avoid it except the one thing require to actually avoid it.

This, no one but jews and other Godless people are this scared of dying

Hell doesn't exist.

All apostles were assassinated gruesomely.

You could live forever anytime you wanted, just accept Yeshua's payment for your sin and follow the commandments.

He's not wrong. Who do you think will get all the life extending tech? You? lol no.

If you upload yourself to the cloud you will.

Moment immortality happens there will be a global civil uprising. Even 60 utopian trite like star trek knew as much.

Retarded kike just had cancer

Jews don't believe in Hell. That's why they act the way they do. Every other group of people on the planet believe that something bad will happen to you when you die if you don't act morally while your alive. Jews are the sole group that has no such belief.

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Nobody asked you, greyface. I hate you spaceniggers so much.

All afterlife memes were invented to keep people appeased.
The only way to afterlife is to build it by subduing the laws of reality
through means of technology.

Lmao, these people are so divorced from reality and science. There's always going to be something that will keep you from living forever, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, prion diseases... the longer you live the more and more certain a stroke of bad luck will happen.

Honestly we're not far away from solving aging, of course they'll reserve it for the ultra rich

*heat death of universe blocks your path

I have seen enough of regular life. I will pass on eternal.

Satan is tricking the sheep to "uploading" their consciousness into their "metaverse" which is fake and gay.



>Laughs in entropy

reddit go home

There's that porcine kidney transplant, and for a minute the heart transplant.
It's possible to use very potent statins to clean out the calcification of arteries and veins. The kidney gets ruined, but if you have an unlimited supply, swap them out.
Same with cancer. Use potent chemo, and have a kidney transplant afterwards.
Likely with a healthy vascular system, and tumor free, neurological diseases start reversing.
My bet is the end of disease is already here. Just need time to roll it out.

transhumanism is the future whether you like it or not

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only cowards want to live forever

He is not wrong if you can look after yourself you could live for ever or at least past 100 with Stem cell therapy and organ transplants ect