Why do the British hate the Poles?

Why do the British hate the Poles?

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We don't really. The ones in Poland anyway. Otherwise it's more a tuk R jerbs thing.

Same reason Russians hate us, they destroyed their empire to save you.

jelly of that blowing skills

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I have an interest in Poland...if that even means anything.

Why so many jokes about the Polish?

they are butthurt subhumans
why they hate the Poles though I don't know


Have been dating a Polish girl for months now. She's the only decent one.

I don't

I miss the Poles.

I hate the Poles too. It's the only thing I agree with Brits on lmao.

Used to live in the UK for 3 years. Did my A levels there, did some jobs, trained BJJ and competed with english guys, never once have I felt any hatred towards me because of where I come from. Left in 2017.
I do miss london pride, and the countryside. South of england is a very good place to live.

>Why do the British hate the Poles?
There will be need an essay

For annexing Prussia. Fuck poles. Prussia deserves better.

Yer a fool

Because they're too cowardly to hate the browns. Everybody should hate Polaks though

For the same reqson everyone else hates them

Who would respect a (((country))) or it's gòvnoment that's had it's shit fucked in repeatedly, butchered, gulaged and to this day has draconian gun laws and not being the Texas of yurope?

Even I can't respect such a (((country))).

Yeah, from this day I'm an Afghanistani!

fuck POOLAND and fuck poolaks.


Yeah, god forbid someone on fuckin Any Forums prefers his own people over foreigners. Who'd have thunk it..

hate disables the ability to think logically and use discernment. so its doubtful that they hate.

I love my country, how about that? I'm proud of being Polish.


yeah, my father was a proud poolak and even politically involved.

What I learned from him is 3/4 of this subhuman shit here should be purged.


Cause British people are very lazy so Polacks take their jobs.

Doesnt mean you have to hate others, especially European Catholics. They are abit stab happy though.

They are racist and islamophobic, let 2million Ukrainians into their country but holds guns to innocent afghans, Syrians and Somalis. I could not even go to school trip to auschwitz because my parents were scared I would get attacked for my skin and religion. Fuck Poland.