7 more days until the greatest tv show of our lifetime debuts. I AM SO FUCKING EXICTED. POST YOUR EXCITED FACES

7 more days until the greatest tv show of our lifetime debuts. I AM SO FUCKING EXICTED. POST YOUR EXCITED FACES.

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Then it comes out and is boring then forgot about the next day.
This whole youtube shill champagne is obvious at this point.

It will break viewership records.
It will be on for 10+ seasons.
It will sweep the Emmys.
There will be countless spinoffs and replicas trying to emulate it.
When you utter the name Tolkien or Lord of the Rings among normies, it will be the first thing they think of.

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>looking forward to Hot D
Checks out.

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How many straight white men who aren't villains will there be?

i'm so tired

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>AW LAWD dem rangs o powah 'n' sheit

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1 maybe 2 but both will be Extreme-Lefties/Faggots

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It's going to be terrible like every other show raping the corpse of it's franchise in the past decade. wheel of time: trash dune: trash new game of thrones: trash

It’s a good thing I don’t watch movies or tv shows. Can’t think of lower T behavior

from what has been seen it departs heavily from the authors world. meaning that it will be a serious disappointment for any who have seen the films and or read the books. save the original memory and avoid this woke mistake.

>Here watch some niggers whitey

No thanks.

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Another american TV show proving that TV shows from Britain and northern euro countries are better

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> WERE better
> Were
Doctor Who, for example, has been defaced.


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I’m begging you niggers to not watch it

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lexx was pretty cool i guess
that one scene where a holographic team curry tries to impregnate a man with a syringe machine full of his bio-cum from when he was alive was pretty weird, im guessing you germans came up with that one right? other than that, very cool show yes

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>It will break viewership records
All without them releasing viewership numbers

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repeated attempts at redefining art. reason it was removed from schools. remove the work that provokes creative thought... the threat is removed.

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>watching Talmud vision

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"Beforeigners" from Norway is utterly splendid.
"Lewis" and "Endeavour" are great.
"Life on Mars" (not the US remake of course..) and "Ashes to Ashes" were nicely made

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Doesn't matter.

Does anyone talk about any of the live-action Disney remakes that came out over the past few years with niggers and pozzed shit in them? No.
Does anyone talk about Black Panther anymore? No, and that won awards.

This stuff has no staying power because it is just product to consume. They don't make stuff to be loved and remembered, they make it to demoralize you and to make money off of retards.

Cant wait

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