Hitler's economic miracle

>The jobless rate in Austria dropped from 21.7 percent in 1937 to 3.2 percent in 1939. The Austrian GNP rose 12.8 percent in 1938, and an astonishing 13.3 percent in 1939.

>Within a year after Hitler came to power, the German birth rate jumped by 22 percent, rising to a high point in 1938. It remained high even in 1944 — the last full year of World War 2.

>“I overcame chaos in Germany, restored order, enormously raised production in all fields of our national economy, by strenuous efforts produced substitutes for numerous materials that we lack, encouraged new inventions, developed traffic, caused mighty roads to be built and canals to be dug, called into being gigantic factories, and at the same time endeavored to further the education and culture of our people for the development of our social community. I succeeded in finding useful work once more for the whole of the seven million unemployed, who so touched all our hearts, in keeping the German farmer on his soil in spite of all difficulties, and in saving the land itself for him, in restoring a prosperous German trade, and in promoting traffic to the utmost.” - Adolf Hitler, 1939

Attached: Adolf in Tracht.jpg (728x1024, 101.24K)

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I believe in Hitler too much to believe that those numbers don't have some Jewish story behind them. Nobody can ever say that Germany was better before Hitler.

Turns out miracles happens when people believe there's a bright future ahead and hope

Yeah and he threw all of it away for a fucking deranged pipedream of enslaving the Slavs, our white brothers that lived with us as fellow christian for centuries. Who, through modern genetic mapping have been proven to be undoubtedly Aryan.
Oh but he cocksucked the Anglos and basically made thousands of war losses in vain, stopping short of destroying them.
Now fascism is taboo and Hebrews cry about the show 24/7 and are MORE powerful than before SHITLER took powerm
Fucking deranged shizo faggot

Hitler was a manlet loser and only manlet losers venerate and worship him and think he was the greatest thing, when all evidence demonstrates the opposite.

So, so, Pawel, hockst schon im Zug Richtung Breslau? Wochenende ist jetzt, gell? Fertig mit dem Scheißhäuserputzen in GERMONEY für 2 Tage.
>when all evidence demonstrates the opposite.
Like the irrefutable evidence that, record time, he made Germany a world power through economic and social prosperity in my OP? Broken JIDF muttbot.

Attached: Hitler drip.jpg (1024x973, 102.96K)

Ironisch, SHITLER himself wrote that Austrians have the most Slavic adnmixture or all Germany which is corraboratesnby generic research, a rare instance of SHITLER being actually smart.
How fucking ironic kek, fucking Mankurt Faggot.

Hitler took over Jewish banks and was financed by many financiers including Zionist Jews. He didn't do anything. He was not an "economic genius" and Socialism ALWAYS works, as long as there's Capitalism involved.

It just so turns out that you can do a lot with stolen money.

Did your veins pop while writing this impotent seethe diatribe? You will always only be a shit eating polack toilet cleaner.
Silly JIDF muttbot, National Socialism has nothing to do with marxian socialism.
>Hitler took over Jewish banks
He expropriated privately owned jewish banks.
>financed by many financiers including Zionist Jews
Why yes, of course! Which is why international jewry declared war on him in 1933.
>stealing money from jews
Lol. Lmao even

>Silly JIDF muttbot, National Socialism has nothing to do with marxian socialism.

Essentially, you have nothing substantive to provide in response, so you name-call like a retarded nigger throwing shit at a computer screen. This happens to be the knee-jerk reaction of you moronic Zoomers on this board

>He expropriated privately owned jewish banks.
verb (used with object), ex·pro·pri·at·ed, ex·pro·pri·at·ing.
1 to take possession of, especially for public use by the right of eminent domain, thus divesting the title of the private owner:
The government expropriated the land for a recreation area.
2 to dispossess (a person) of ownership:
The revolutionary government expropriated the landowners from their estates.
3 to take (something) from another's possession for one's own use:
He expropriated my ideas for his own article.


>Someone disagrees with my retardation. They must be a Jew or a bot.

>Why yes, of course! Which is why international jewry declared war on him in 1933.

You clearly do not understand the historical context and neither are you privy to the hitorical record; only "The Greatest Horseshit Never Told" and "Europa: The Last Asshole" and you think you've "got the message" and know everything there is to know about WW2 and History.

The declaration of war on Germany was spitefully manufactured by one of Hitler's Jewish, Zionist moles, Rabbi Stephen Wise. This was not to collapse the German Economy, but to force reluctant German Jews to emigrate to Palestine.

But, silly muttbot, you can't steal from people who have been kicked out of every country! The people whose only accomplishment is interest; ho create nothing and yet own everything. All while believing they're divinely ordained to rule over everyone else. Are you jewish or something, muttbot?

Attached: Shitpost reading.png (1024x791, 567.3K)

70 IQ take. Filtered.

he was charismatic, I don't believe in the holocaust, I believe in labour camps tough, he could just secured the border and be ultra nationalistic, I don't believe he was a racial supremacist or something like that but they definitely were trying to figure eugenics out as the British and the jews and everyone else are still doing but the (((rodent))) version and not out in the open.
he caused more good and hitler is comparable to the American dream, that shit is just daydream utopia and propaganda.
fuck hitler, but fuck specially the anglo and the jews, fuck this gay world, if you are European you're just fucked because the jews won and they don't like us because of biblical beefs and shit like that, Jesus was right about forgiveness in a sense that you should forgive what you can't account (like things in the past and shit like that), the jews start punishing people by historical or just for saying shit they don't like, my family wasn't a nazi collaborator and one person went to war fight against it but for the jews, it doesn't matter, they treat us like we are the enemy and some shit like that, fuck those people and one time I believed that the jews were victims... even not doing anything against a jew they fucked my life out of fear, bunch of cowards...

Honestly this. Between the hope of surviving this hellscape and unbridled hatred for those who brought the world to this, it keeps me going. Nicely put, Leaf.

Silly muttbot, you're in my thread spouting low hanging fruit buzzfeed tier yid rhetoric bullshit with a memeflag (one you forgot to turn on in your first post).

Attached: Adolf hearty kek.jpg (2618x1813, 651.07K)

*he didn't cause no good.

crazy what happens with slave labor and massive amount of debt you never plan on paying back

Attached: 1430922332866.png (900x900, 21.21K)

Still remains that you cannot refute what I am saying and have nothing substantive to offer.


It's so blatant.

If Hitler had remained a catholic, if he had rejected paganism, he could have teamed up with Franco's Spain against the communists and WW2 would have gone into a very different direction

20th century fascism was just as retarded as communism and liberalism

If holocaust never happened, why you idiots still love Hitler? If anything, he fucked over Germany, created Israel and ran away

>Nobody can ever say that Germany was better before Hitler.
Only if you are a moron.

Original OG Germany:
no income tax for almost everyone, except the very wealthy

Shitler Germany:
new Weimar income tax for everyone

Phew, so glad, so based that guy robbing regular people.

>be glad that you got a job
Fuck you.

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>Hitler's Social Programs & Ecenomic Policies

Attached: 1603508426198.jpg (2328x3250, 3.24M)

National Socialism wasn't a religious movement. Why are you retarded shitskinned memeflagged mutt beaner mongrels trying to make it out to be one?

Attached: Adolf Hitler 1932.png (409x580, 442.26K)

stalin did the same, including the mass murder, but excluding losing the war and ruining his country.

Ok, granted, Imperial Germany was even better.

>National Socialism

Race-based Socialism/Communism and anti-Freedom.

Hitler was a manlet. He was a loser. He was controlled opposition.

ALL historical evidence demonstrates these facts.

Hitler was an immense retard and gigantic loser. None of you ass-kissing retards can negate that fact.

Let's break it down:

Did Hitler win WW2?

Did Hitler effeminate 6 million Jews via a "Final Solution"?

Did Hitler secure a place for white Europeans?

The obvious answers to these questions will lead the intelligent among you to admit he was an abject loser and venerating him only proves that the worship of "under dogs" as heroes is gay and concomitant with individuals who are unaccomplished losers on their lives. Hence, they make Hitlertardation part of their identity. They are infatuated with the imagery of NatSoc, because it gives them a sense of masculinity, albeit false.

Hitler teamed up with Franco and helped defeat the communists in Spain. It was "catholic" Poland that supported the communists in Spain. Isnt that ironic.

Attached: vintage-nazi-ww2-propaganda-1936-sterben-wehrmacht-sonderausgabe-wir-kampften-in-spanien-legion-condor-abdeckung-preis-50-ppfennig-r2brg1.jpg (988x1390, 250.89K)

>Stalin increased living conditions and the birth rates by putting his own people in gulags and starving them to death!
Just shut the fuck up you dumb shitskinned immigrant nigger faggot.

Manlet rage when it encounters facts and reality.

>ancap retard actually thinking Hitler was a socialist
Christ you fags just think statism is inherently socialist

He was a Communist. Hence he was a Communist spy in the Bavarian Army under Kurt Eisner, the Jewish Communist leader.

I can sense the seething of the manlet rage over there, where you are.

Attached: Manlet Rage.jpg (644x641, 75.26K)