Tomorrow Samir Al-Hajeed fights some faggot from tiktok who plays the violin

Tomorrow Samir Al-Hajeed fights some faggot from tiktok who plays the violin

Official predictions only

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The Jews win the goyim lose

sam actually looking great
and he's also a fairly decent boxer believe it or not

If god is still around the faggot wins

Many such cases

Sam is going to murder that little faggot.

wtf, he ulgy as fuck yet he gets cute girls mirin?
i better hit the gym hard

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He's also 6'5, Pedro

sam is like 6'5, huge, loaded and doesn't give a fuck. although he is for sure butt ugly

Isn't he an mma fighter?
Women dig that. But only if you mannage to win some fights.

It's not for le gymn memes...

It's hard as fuck to get fit with his size, and he looks natty too, so good on him.

He goes very hard. I hope he doesn't take himself to snap city one day.

shit, im barely hit the 6' mark, im so glad i have a big dick to counter my dwarfishness

>snap city
and where the fuck is that?

Damn he finally cut after bulking for years!

A place worse than the manlet pit.

Jesus Christ, Sam is looking solid as fuck.
Godspeed Sam. Wish you named the jew still.

This is some fag shit.
Hack e-celeb makes it doubly fag.

holy fuck the other guy looked big until i saw Sam hyde

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snap city is when you do something stupid in the gym and snap your shit. it's a one way ticket

>the effeminate smile
>the part time physique
>the naivety in his eyes
If Sam loses to this suicide is the only option