Has Bill Maher reached maximum based-ness?

Calling out the (((Jew))) in Hollywood.
Ridiculing Blacks.
Proudly displaying White Privledge.
I'm thinking, "yes."

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Doesn't matter how "based" he is now he was instrumental in rolling out Clown World. He should be thanked and then politely made to face the wall.

the only way he could be "based" is if he kills himself live on the air.

So, if someone fucks up they can never do any good fixing CW?
He does more than you waking people up to the pattern of anti-Whiteness.

of course, he just says what we've all been saying ...forever...but still.
I'm proud of him.

He basically spells out that White, male gentiles cannot play any role but...White, male gentiles.
But others can play whatever they want: Hamilton, etc.
-->watch the clip.
I wonder if he posts here.

Maher advertises to the sub 90 IQ mouthbreather crowd, so his opinions and presentation are going to be intentionally obtuse and simplistic. So yes, Bill Maher is a clown and had always been a clown, but you should pay attention to his honkening because he has to honk to the masses, and the masses have changed. Not that he hasn't taken plenty of money for being a woke asshole from the 90's to about 2017, but him putting this out I think is a fundemental change in the trendline where Hollywood is drawing a fundemental line in the sand with foreign interests and that marks a demarcation and shift in the political pendulum. You've hit the peak, so not it'll swing the other direction and as we go we'll see some peak kino shit come out. It's good to see him breaking ranks.

A lot of this psyop bullshit works on destroying one's sense of disgust, so that should be interesting to see come back in full swing with Maher.

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I'm thinking he's still on the upward trajectory. Surprised he hasn't been boycotted.
>watch clip
I already do.
Temperature testing what normies are absorbing is routine for any serious political person. Well, for me. Some push the envelope, some are all over the place: picking up bits n pieces and dropping them, hopefully, where they'll do the most good, into receptive influencer's feeds.
This is metapolitics 101.
>posts here
Doubt. He has a life.
This user gets it.

Also, BTW. You don't shoot the Fucking messanger.

Back in the 1700's and 1800's, soldiers did not raise up the ranks as they do today. You were either in the landed aristocracy and ran men into the dirt in war for honor, or you were a dirteater soldier. It's no wonder why Americans aimed for the luitenants, coronels, majors and generals in war and fought unevently from behind bushes to engage in defeat in detail tactics against the Brittish crown. You fuck up the general, it throws the ranks right bit of shit that can cause even the most loyal and experienced soldiers to refuse orders until someone that knows what the fuck they are doing arrives.

Point being. Kikes aim for the messanger, americans aim for the fucking top. Aim higher.

And it ain't necissary yet. Keep your powder dry, we're still in the documentation stage of understanding what the fuck has gone on with foreign influence operations in the US. Suffice to say, we need to document the BS so we can mend the constitution and laws and put a permanent end to it. The polls are all turning hard on the current admin and on foreign influence ops to a degree that they cannot steal elections meaningfully or use their power effectively.

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maher is based

>A lot of this psyop bullshit works on destroying one's sense of disgust
kek... like Any Forums does?

>he actually said it
Well his is cancelled.

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>Goyim idiots, look at this based jew


No, he isn't. Jews don't get canceled. They can go from one place to another, but they don't get canceled.

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This is about as bluepilled as you can get while claiming he's being based.

No. Bill Maher has found a nice niche of rehashing 'based' takes from ten years ago and selling it to Boomers who still think he is on the cultural vanguard.

Look at that nose.

No one in this thread has mentioned that Maher himself is Jewish, and a particularly slimy one at that. Jews will always place themselves on both sides of every issue, so it is to be expected that some of them try to jump on public distaste of their kind as well. Don’t give him any credit.

>put a permanent end to it.
How? Some abstract sense of law and order or patriotism can't do it. Only a King and all of it's fear and mystique on a population can do this for any length (and maybe not permanently). I'm not larping for monarchy or anything either. Just saying it's the best way for laws and norms to remain firm and a society's direction stays course, unless a very exclusive group (royalty) changes it.
America will always be in constant toil and in constant need of defense. It's fucking tiresome. But at this point, the fighting spirit is mostly gone. NPCs have been completely captured by a new fighting spirit that has nothing to do with America. People dream dreams of some other kind of society, involving the globe. They're primed for pure kikery and antichrist now.

i don't mind maher i disagree with him on some stuff but he is reasonable and down to earth unlike a lot of the people who watch his show or vote democrat which is glowing praise if you ask me, he is the one guy who was willing to punch back against islam and he at least is willing to admit he was wrong about stuff im not disingenuous enough to say i hate everything about him and all he has done because i don't and i agree with him here about acting hollywood really lost touch with what made it so great.

He should have retired a long time ago

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Isn't Mahler a Jew though?

Stfu gen x trash head, back to Facebook you go

>White Privledge
nice B8
Jews can do literally anything they want.

this is a shill thread, some faggot trying to get views on YT or some shit

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Keep on kikeing moshie

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>Point being. Kikes aim for the messanger, americans aim for the fucking top. Aim higher.

Americans and kikes are undestinguishible.
Generally one destinguishes them only because Amerimutts are servile and the Jews are generally bossing around Amerimutts.

>Muh foreign operations meme

Kill yourself, dumb mutt.
All this is entirely on Judeo-mutts makings.

>look at this based kike goys!
fuck off

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>doesn't even timestamp an 8 min vid
I hope your arthritis is unbearable you boomer cunt.