Makeup is genetic fraud and should be completely illegal...

Makeup is genetic fraud and should be completely illegal. It tricks men into simping women are healthier and younger than they actually are.

Same with high heels trying to fraud having tall genes.

Attached: makeup.jpg (735x545, 75.78K)

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If you see right pic and don't fully expect left pic, then you're very young and inexperienced.
Learn to see the truth under make-up

give her a break, she has huntington's

lol I get it


If you are "tricked" by makeup or fall for the height meme, you are a genetic dead end anyway and deserve your horse faced lanklet.
Leave the cute short stacks for the 5'6" master race. We will be dancing on your graves anyway.

Based House enjoyer

Being that young with those deep dark rings under her eyes indicates malnutrition.

You seem very feminine.

>just deal with female deception because.. JUST DO IT OKAY
Why not just remove it

Yeah, it's annoying, but you only have to be seeing a girl for a very short time to see her without makeup. If she's too ugly, just stop seeing her. What's the big deal? And no man is being tricked into thinking a woman has tall genes because she's wearing high heels kek, especially when you see her next and she's clearly short

Thanks doc, i certainly didn't notice it from the fact that she is a fucking skeleton

I am bored with made up women. I LOVE au naturale.

I'd still wreck the left pic

You seem very autistic.

Cope with your back problems and degenerate knees, lanklet.

>Makeup is genetic fraud and should be completely illegal. It tricks men into simping women are healthier and younger than they actually are.

She's fine with and without.

Attached: 1651046947544.jpg (1024x804, 86.36K)

Attached: 1656071469246.jpg (1080x1696, 689.47K)

I don't even like makeup. A clean natural face is much more hot.

Attached: 1648186376552.jpg (700x826, 75.02K)

If you can’t tell the woman caked in foundation is hideous that’s a you problem

What's the height meme? I don't date women under 5'8" you saying I'm getting memed?

There is nothing wrong with left

Lol fuck

Left is still hot.

She doesn’t look like an anime waifu
0/10 would not bang

Looks better before

>wait height is a meme?
Of course, tall people are genetic dead ends who only survive because of the world created by sub 6 foot people. Tall people died out naturally.
The proliferation of tall people is really akin to the population explosion of Africa. Parasites growing beyond their ability yo sustain themselves.

Based Irish Famine descendant.

Attached: c3e6960b5cf1792390c37bdab2e44dbe4a5e7d00b81b597a872675c0028e968a.jpg (706x664, 270.51K)

Manlet cope

>irrelvant off topic slide threaf
Memflags should be illegal


Attached: wherever I am, I must also rape.jpg (577x435, 30.13K)


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my wife has never worn makeup since she was a teenager (except eyeliner occasionally)
she has great skin, and other women are shocked when she tells them her age. they assume she's 10-15 years younger.
makeup fucks up women's skin horrendously and accelerates aging

the level of manlet cope is unreal

midget faggot

chick in top middle is pretty either way

The things I would do to that little nerd.

>fall for the height meme
Do people really not like taller women?
I thought this was just female projection

What kind of faggot gets upset that women try to make themselves as attractive as possible? I literally do not understand.
As long as they don't do plastic surgery or shit that harms their reproductive health it's a plus if it makes your pp hard.
Women have like 8 years where they can have healthy kids and it's not illegal to fuck them 18-26
It's a cursed and shitty existence, I don't understand why people hate on women so much when they literally go through life with a bunch of major disabilities.

>seethes while suffering from sciatica

I have a sneaking suspicion this is what's skewing the dating market

Shorter women have more feminine proportions.

When you get some more life experience, you will realize that your woman’s looks are important solely to help you get ahead in business and enhance your social status. Sex is about how her cunt feels, not what she looks like.

>attached earlobes

Based Cromwellian poster.

Yes, the entire premise of cosmetics is to lie and create the feeling that one is not attractive enough as they were created.

It works tandem with the eternal childhood narrative and keeps people from getting married when they can still pairbond. Squandering sexuality.
It works tandem with the eternal playtime narrative, and helps people claim they don't need to make the world better, right now, they have plenty of time later. Squandering years.
It works tandem with the witchcraft industry, selling pills and lotions and meditation practices to "avoid" the natural birth to elderly cycle, polluting the spirit, killing the soul, and taxing the body's organs.

And it should be obvious, you're literally pasting animal shit on your face. These days, it's literally aborted child tissues.

Tick tock, lanklets.

This x 1000.
Things are already so shit in the west.
I think we can solve the problem by simping even harder for women like this based leaf.
If you donate to their patreons they can afford even better quality make-up and foreskin cream, mr canuck. I gave 20000 last year, match me!


Bro shes a 3 if we asre being generous