Why are rightoids so violent?


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They hate cops now lol.
I always said all cops are bastards. I never said all cops deserve to die, that's psychopathic violent rage shit.

why are swedes such niggerloving cucks?

No only leftist and the grass they hide in should dye.

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Any message that tells you to kill your countrymen comes from the enemy.

>niggers murder/loot/rape
>community service
>ex-marine has a struggle with a zogbot
>17 years
Burgerland is done for.

why is op a faggot?

why do lefties always project such utter b.s.?



fuck off and die a miserable death you worthless piece of shit op


17 years? Fuck should have just killed him

Well in that case, throw your family down the well, so my country can be free.

Most crimes are cops on cops violence

>just throws hooks in the water

Us "Insurrectionists" have always hated cops, memeflag user. Why did you think otherwise?

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There is a different between a civilian police force and an armoured Pretorian guard 'protecting' a capital closed to the general public.

Lol based NYPD, our cops go to other cities/states and beat up their cops.

OK, now do race.

No murderer got community service. This is your brain on right wing propaganda. The USA has the largest prison population on earth and it is not normal or proportional

Lol 17 eh? What a Qincidence.


>Da jooz
Uh huh

The better question is: why is no one who literally occupied and declared parts of the US their own country (a LITERAL INSURRECTION!) being charged with it?
Fuck the illegitimate hidin' biden and whore-is regime.

The antifa guy who snuck up behind the cop and beaned him in the head with a baseball bat only got five years - and really not even that because they combine the sentences along with his arson charges
>Jacob Greenberg was sentenced to five years in prison for attacking Seattle police officer Jose Jimenez. He was sent to prison after being convicted of ambushing Jimenez from behind with a baseball bat in an attack that was caught on video in 2020. Greenberg, who is the stepson of former Democrat Washington State Rep. Laura Ruderman, apologized at his sentencing.
>The man struck the police officer in the head with a baseball bat during the uprising caused by deaths of Black people at the hands of the police. People were angry following the decision to charge only one of the officers in the death of Breonna Taylor.


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Do you think he's being charged with insurrection?