Is Russia waiting for Winter-chan?

Russia has been holding their area for awhile in Ukraine. While the enemy seems to be gib-seeking and grinding/provoking Russia to move by hitting things behind the line and burning e-celeb daughters.

In roughly 2 months it will be 20-40f (-6 to 4 celcius) every day for 4 months. Russia is entrenched and has used winter as a war weapon many, many times. The Teutonic knights, Napoleon, Hitler etc.

With the heat pipe shut off, Europs heating cost is set to go up 78%. Combined with inflation, high taxation and legions of gib seekers who may..for the first time... not get them free gibs. It will be a wild time of freezing, poverty, starvation and wrangling "refugees". Is Europe ready? I think at this point there is a divine mandate for Russia to win this.

Schizo post to follow.

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Two more weeks

>has used winter as a war weapon many, many times
it doesn't work if your enemy is used to winter too, you fucking think ukies are surprised by winter? lol you zetards are fucking faggots

I also agree that there is a divine mandate for Russia to win. I believe the reason is because Russia doesn't have faggot marriage or child trannies.

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Sit with me a spell as I repeat what the fan is telling me:

In the hierarchy of angels, there is a choir known as the Principalities. They look after institutions like Nations and the Church. They also play a part in checking power, especially if an evil nation is gaining more then it deserves.

Certain countries and places are protected by powerful, miraculously times events. The original kamikazi wind, the freezing winds of Russia, the fate of the Spanish Armada etc. I think we're about to see this again.

Good people get into the Ark. Insulate your homes. Stockpile food now before everyone realizes this. Tell your loved ones and save as many as you can.

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Yes they will be for a few reasons:

1. Russia is entrenched already, warm.
2. They will have to push through open land in their vehicles and hide in trenches in the freezing winter for 4 months.

It will have a huge effect.

>divine mandate
if it was a thing, Russia, with staggering amount of single mothers, AIDS infections, child trafficking, drug abuse and alcoholism would be rather smitten by divine as a next Babylon.

ukraine is not even a factor in this war, retard. If the EU is on the edge of collapse without the energy needed to operate its economy and to run its welfare state then the entire moralizing about ukraine will get dropped like a turd and they will be forced to the negotiating table.

No one is going to sacrifice its country and take a crippling recession for ukraine, and if they do... then Russia wins even harder because a competitor literally outplayed itself.

You are free to keep waging your Twitterkrieg if you want. I'm sure if you rage hard enough about the ivans you will accomplish something

doubt, but I won't stop you from dreaming
hungarians are worse than hohols

Yeah I think so too. Its not a perfect country but at least their leader openly attends Christian church, supports the church, builds temples/churches to God, rewards people for having children etc. That and yes the no homo allowed on tv thing is great.

It will pay off over and over as the generations age and have non-brain pozz'd kids. Maybe I can come live in a shack on Valaam one day.

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There will be no winners once russia nears victory in WW3

The end is nigh

>dreams told me so over and over and over and over

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You think screeching at me will accomplish something?

I believe you all had a divine blessing too until recently. You made Christ your king, were smashing global homo and really being a good example. Now though, you're all directly aiding global homo in killing other Christians so the demons running the arm companies can get fat stacks.

You all are destroying yourself now in your wrath. Wishing you a safe winter regardless.

It's not much of an advantage for Russia or Ukraine. It's just going to delay the war. "Europe" (Germany and UK) already prepared the lube and are going to get fucked hard this winter. They're good bois that trust the government as we've seen during COVID plandemic.

USA doesn't even need a war to fuck itself, just a retarded president lmao

I think Russia’s only winning strat is lure countries into winter Russia.

and that will be a good thing, let eurofags know how bad things can be, as soon as green comes to talk shit about dismantling infrastructure they can look at their missing fingers and know what that means

To a degree yes.
Russia is grinding away at hohols troops and hardware to weaken them sufficiently for a major advance. That will definitely not happen before winter, and maybe not even until next year, but it depends how "well" the hohols keep holding out.

Pretty based and true take.

I'm praying that in 2 months the "We're now uncomfortable and cold and hungry" stimulus will get Globo Homo to put it's knives away for a bit.

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There is 0 reason for them to do a major advance. The regions they want (the Russian speaking ones under the Russian Orthodox Patriarchy) are already controlled. Unless you're talking about the rest of Donetsk, then excuse me.

>aiding global homo in killing other Christians
It's defensive war, and it isn't against Christian doctrine. Also, turning away and ignoring killing innocents just behind our border would be an inherently evil act.

Honestly I'm just interested to see how EU is gonna handle this one, so I'm waiting
I don't wish them bad (much), purely for educational purposes

Winter doesn't exist anymore. On average water didn't even freez last year

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