Russia Is Barely Winning In Ukraine

A lot of people are asking why neither side seems to be winning. The truth is it's a stalemate and Russia took a retarded gamble in February. The gamble was based on advice from the FSB which was infiltrated by the SBU and so infiltrated by the CIA. The FSB told Putin a small scale invasion would work to capture the country because Ukrainian civilians would meet Russians with open arms. This explains sending low quality troops and equipment with overly humanitarian rules of engagement. This is why February and March were mediocre for Russia. Ukraine engineered a scenario where Russian troops were sitting ducks with commands to be litteral NPCs to be shot at. Ukrainian special teams then went to town destroying Russian forces. That explains the videos and death pictures in the beggining. After March Russia changed strategy and decided to focus on the Donbass and a more effective strategy. But because had already fortified positions in the area it has been slow success for the Russians. USA is winning in Ukraine they fooled Putin and baited this war. The objective for USA was always a quagmire for Russia.

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watch the video. It changed my mind.


Russia is losing the war

I wouldn't say they are losing the war. the initial invasion was a retarded gamble but the strategy since april has been working altho slowly.

>The truth is it's a stalemate and Russia took a retarded gamble in February.
Russia was seen as the second largest power on the planet before the war, ukraine is the poorest country in europe, poorer than most african countries, and didn't have any aid from the USA or NATO before the war started, yet they completely stopped and buck broke what was supposed to be a superpower

the mask is off now, russia was a paper tiger, always was, we should have known, considering military deception was a central part of their entire governement doctrine

you whole statement is propagandistic trash. Ukraine was equipped by USA for such an invasion. USA and Ukraine engineered this invasion to be a complete mess. Russia took the bait. That being said Ukraine was just able to stop Russia in Kiev not the rest of the country.

>you whole statement is propagandistic trash. Ukraine was equipped by USA for such an invasion.
your broken english proves you're a VPN vatnik, the kremlin really aren't sending their best...

>the narrative has switched from 'russia is losing' to 'russia is not winning fast enough'

your not even arguing anything. your use of terms like vpn and grammar policing is because you are the shill. The narrative for you is that Russia must lose no matter what. The media lies that is what they do but when facts are on their side they are obviously not going to lie.

Sure you can read it as such but keep in mind that Putin spent last year mostly hidding in his bunker because of covid and mostly aimed to pull another Crimea since he used the same tactic with goal to force bribed politicians to take over the ukr gov and force Minsk 3 and federalisation of Ukraine without letting international capital take all the remaining soviet loot in the east.

I'm not a Ukraine shill. I am just looking at the conflict objectively. Russia fucked up the first two months. Putin should of purged the FSB because if he hasn't then the CIA is still advising him.

>your not
see >your broken english proves you're a VPN vatnik

if you believe putin actually was hiding because of covid you have brain disease

USA infiltrated the FSB and baited Putin to invade dude. It makes sense geopolitically. The goal was always to bleed Russia. These actions are not brand new for USA. We always cheat to win.

you think I'm a Russian agent but I'm claiming Russia fucked up.............

>didn't have any aid from the USA or NATO before the war started
sure, buddy

Retard take, Russia is clearly winning as western media keeps spinning bullshit for Ukraine

Western media is a kike factory of lies. I don't disagree but the US government still operates through sabotage and wants to win. So the media isn't going to lie if their rulers are winning.

That's what I've been saying since this retarded conflict started but I'm a globohomo shill for not sucking off le based Russia's cock

It's almost funny how they are defeating us by proxy.

The difference is that I am not taking a side.

I am not saying mutually exclusive thing to that you are saying. He had his reasons do it they way he did apart from cloak and dagger glownigger schemes thats all. Bad info could have been the final push but it is not all it is to it.

Nobody knows who is winning at this point. The war will take years and if USA continues to support Ukraine it will easily outproduce Russia. Remains to be seen.

believing that Ukrainians would meet Russian forces with open arms has to be one of the stupidest beliefs in the history of warfare. why Putin bought that shit? And yet February and March proves he did.

I'm not either they're both degenerate shitholes but if I point that out in any regard I'm on Globohomo's side more often than I'm called a Kremlin shill
Ukraine and Russia isn't the only places a shadow war is taking place right now there's one right on Any Forums's doorstep and it's brought the same kind of identity politics that Any Forums spent the last decade fighting against with none the wiser

>USA is winning in Ukraine they fooled Putin and baited this war.

you don't understand what is going on.
russians use Alexandre Svechin doctrine

USA only cares about bleeding Russia. Changing strategy in April was smart of the Russians but USA wants a long war.

whether Russia is fighing globohomo or not is not my point with this thread. I am just pointing out Russia fucked up at the beggining.

Ukraine winning the war of attrition, they simply can't run out of weapons thanks to lend lease. They also get large scale training programs. Russia is struggling with manpower as the conflict is professional enough to turn conscripts useless.

Help me understand.
A "troll" is someone that criticizes Russia and a kool-aid drinker is someone that never admits Russia's faults or failures.

The SMO is a new type of not war where a Russia uses a fraction of the forces necessary to win decisively and instead creates a stagnant war of attrition that has killed more slavic people than any war since ww2 and real war is only when a nation mobilizes and declares war which the peace loving U.S. never does.
The new SMO/not war of providing air support and artillery while others provide the boots on the ground like in Syria is totally new and never tried before except in every conflict the U.S. has fought with a few exceptions.
The benefit of the SMO/not war is it allows the enemy time to plot atrocities and terrorist attacks, attack nuclear plants and other critical infrastructure and use it's advantage of media domination to spin a counter reality narrative blaming Russia for everything Ukraine is guilty of.

Is this being a troll or just stupid?

I don't buy that. Ukraine gets meager amounts of military aid from US who probably wants Ukraine strong enough to stop Russia but not to defeat Russia. Since they want Russia in a quagmire. A quick defeat would for the Russians would only destroy some of their forces. Ukraine is the country who has dipped into their civilian population for troops. Russia hasn't and has tried to avoid a draft.

Whatever happens it will take decades for russia to rebuild the lost hardware to pre-war quantities. Most of their new production likes are feeble, so even if they bolster them it is highly unlikely for any major amounts if armatas to replace the t-90ties or their gen5 to replace the lost planes.
Russia will have to replace the old junk with old junk as they cannot afford the new one and under current trade sanctions do not have the needed components either way.

Their only major deterrent are the stockpiles of nuke and that’s it. They have became north korea in both their foreign policy and internal one.

Russia lost major offensive in this war and has shown that its military sucks. However, this is not uncommon for big empires to lose such wars.

In the meantime, Kremlin turned to TOTALitarian mode to be able to operate country in the survival mode for few years. Ukraine needs huge support to be able to defend itself and prevent collapse of the country. Putin's bet is that Western coalition will fall, his main focus is on France and Germany.

One thing that Russians have that burgers and frog lovers lack - desire to sacrifice everything, even at the cost of destroying the country, something that Hitler had.

If Ukraine fails to make at least some important victories by the end of Autumn (Kherson, Melitopol, Izum) and Russia manages to prevent socia-economical protests - I predict Russia will WIN this war and EU is going to collapse.

I'm from Kharkiv. I support Ukraine/West and democratic movements in Russia/Belorussia, but people need to be realistic. Putin has been in power for more than 20+ years, he is too heavyweight for Western leaders.

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I think you are making views based on propaganda narratives. The SMO in my opinion was a gamble based on faulty intelligence provided by the CIA to the FSB. Russia changed tactics and is now barely winning.

Muh war

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>Ukraine wanted Russia to invade because they could make Russia lose anyway
Absolutely retarded opinion. You really think that a country would want to suffer the turmoil Ukraine has gone through?
>low quality troops and equipment
Implying that they have anything of high or medium quality

The only ones winning here are enemies of Europeans, not Russia or Ukraine. Both are engaged in an utterly retarded conflict which either side refuses to end quickly / escalate, instead you get a prolonged faggot festival that's about throwing rockets from the East to the West and about supplying military equipment to the Hohol menace using RUSSIAN diesel so a bunch of Ruskies can eat a fucking mortar round or two as well!

What are they going to win, pieces of land to populate with the Dumbass republic residents and warn Ukraine for the next 5 years to stop shelling their kids?

I don't think Russia has lost that much equipment. Most of the initial losses were surplus garbage. Also I don't think Ukraine was that effective in February and March. But they were destroying Russian forces.