Why are Indians the master race of tech?

What's their secret to their superior tech ability?

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They do the needful.

Poo in the loo, sir

The hunger to see bob and vagene

We aren't good at anything else. This is the only way you are seen as human in Indian society.

They aren't. It's merely a consequence of a large population and large variance in I.Q. (with Brahmins being >100 while the overall avg is 82).

Genetic memory from the Ancient Wars.

Do Indians living in the West care about this backwards medieval caste thing?

White people hire whites and indians but indians only hire other indians.

The masterful ability to convince people you work for microsoft

No they only care about getting white vagan.
Every indian I've met wishes they were white and want a white wife. Pathetic race traitors disgust me.

Not that there aren't brilliant Indians, there are, but the majority of them write utterly shit code and are only hired because their labour is cheaper. Indians have contributed so much to making software shittier it's unreal. So many copy-paste java Indians have bloated everything up to absurd proportions.

Good morning sirs

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You aren't good at tech either. You're good at nothing, well maybe shitting on streets

A population of 1.4 billion is bound to have intelligent people. Furthermore, Indian society is very status-oriented. Consequently, many parents pressure their children into exclusively pursuing STEM careers, often to the detriment of their social development. A lot of parents enroll their school-aged children in "coaching institutes" designed to prepare them for competitive admissions examinations from an early age.

When you couple achievement-oriented autism with a English-language proficiency and a large population, there are bound to be a few highly successful people.

Italy has contributed to nothing

good morning sirs
do not redeem

They are really good at maths too

You are talking like the white people talking points.

Indians are feared in the west because we are brown, simple. Nothing else. If we were white, they wouldn't care.

Indians are stricter with their kids than Europeans. They push them harder and place more emphasis on getting good grades, overall. This skews their achievements to more academical pursuits. Of course this only applies to the upper and middle classes. But the Indian work ethic is pretty strong and so is pressure to conform. So largely it's a product of environment and the British system of education.

good morning sirs let us to congratulate Dirga Sir for clearing Java 11 Certification (1Z0 - 815) with 100% Score


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People walk to the other side of the street when they see an indjun, because they either look like pakis or like niggers.

no that's because they don't want to have shit on their shoes

Disgusted is the word you're looking for

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Most half-educated Westerners don't "fear" educated Indian immigrants. I have many friends studying in the United States, and I always ask them whether they've experienced racism and, if so, to what extent. Scarcely anyone says they've been overtly attacked or insulted for being brown.

However, my friends who study and work in Europe have said that racism is much more prevalent in certain European countries, especially--for some reason--France.

No, they are not. Most of them are exteremely bad at coding, programing, etc. All they need is just copy and paste. Their main solution for a minor problem is just creating a simple, horrid fix that also creates more bugs or deleting the lines - destroy the original function. Etc. etc... They are just hired because of pajeets nepotism and cheap workers.

Fuck boomers for enabling them.

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