Where’s your doppelgänger?

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This is a retarded thread but I'll bite.

Those two don't look that alike. The glasses and hairstyle make it look as if they are identical. The same facing posture and muting the colors make them appear the same. What retarded journalism and what a retarded thread thanks OP.

>different nose, lips, eyes, hairline
If you ever meet a real doppelgänger kill him. They’re usually bad omens

They look like theyre about to share DNA with each other.

I've been told I have one.

freakiest fucking movie ever

>Me stopping myself from paying off that last 18k on my student loans.

He lives a couple cities away. I know him too. And that's why I know him, because he's my doppelgänger. We've even worked at the same places at the same time and fucked the same women at different times. Also our voices are near identical. The main difference is that he's like 3 inches taller than me, but I had my growth stunted by some wrongly prescribed meds as a kid.

Since I never leave my home I suppose I will never know. He probably doesn't leave his home either.

He better not show himself, I know the rules

Sometimes I think I have seen a doppelgänger but I’m not sure if that’s what I really look like? I like to think I’m not that ugly, but....

>share dna
well no shit

They exist in the Royals too.
Here's King George of England and Tsar Nicholas of Russia.

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I had someone who looked exactly like me in high school and he shared my best friends name
he got confused with me a lot and I only got sometimes confused as him cause I was more popular

later in high school he had dyed hair and turned goth probably to distinguish himself from me

Uncanny! You'd swear they were first cousins.

I see my doppelganger every day looking back at me when I go into the bathroom

They were first cousins so some level of resemblance is to be expected

lol. met one in basic training. I didn't see it but others swore. found out much later that his last name was a ggpas last name

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>You'd swear they were cousins.
That's the joke. Except they look like twins, not cousins.

In Adola

Edit: Fuck this is not Any Forums

if you fuck your doppelganger it counts as masturbation

genetically they're probably close to being twins. Gotta keep the blue blood in the family.

I don't care.

They were cousins

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