Why are Trumptards so laughably pathetic? Why do they insist on continuing to embarrass themselves like this?

Why are Trumptards so laughably pathetic? Why do they insist on continuing to embarrass themselves like this?

Attached: 5F4BBA2C-E9FE-4F51-B8D0-54BFDE6BBFF0.jpg (1170x1108, 540.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>95% of jew political donations go to the democrats
>over 50% of all democrat funding comes just from jews
>jews vote left at an 80% rate

Jew political, funding and voting data:

I still am not sure if Occupy Democrats is a satire account.

The link says Joe has dementia and that OP is a complete faggot

>Ignorance knows no bounds
yes, we've al heard Joe Biden speak.

Attached: CoomingToSniffHunter.png (2048x1365, 3.59M)

They're an accurate representation of the median Joe Biden supporter.

The 2020 election theft made one thing crystal clear: the Democrat party is against democracy.

Attached: 1660844436608208.gif (498x498, 2.93M)

I'm thoroughly convinced the WEF stole the 2020 election for Biden, so they could convince millions of leftists to take the Pfizer poison jab. If Trump won, leftists would've protested and called it the Trump jab.

Attached: weinstein_build_back_better.jpg (588x583, 69.11K)

How is he president if Trump stole the election?

occupy people really are just that cringey
the occupy movement happened literally a decade ago and they've clung to relevancy as desperately as Ace Ventura clings to that racoon at the beginning of Ace Ventura 2

that's a weird analogy
I have not slept
you know what I mean

>generic comeback
>crowd goes wild

Did they all clap?

That Trump guy is such an embaressment.

My dad, Joe Biden, is so cool.

Attached: 1657635960472.gif (220x390, 3.95M)

kek this one is genuinely funny

Yeah. Lowest rated president in 100 years sure showed that guy, Jack.

staged. biden is too old for off the cuff quips.


What a FUXKING nigger

Occupy wasn't a singular movement but a conglomeration of every ideology that had a bone to pick with Wall Street. I know because I was a Ron Paul supporter back then and I personally knew acquaintances who showed up at Zuccotti Park. Occupy as a grassroot movement died the moment the glowniggers appropriated the language and motifs for their gayops in Syria and Ukraine. Democrats larping as Occupy are like coyotes claiming to be sheepdogs.

>Occupy Democrats twatter

Attached: 1511540032353.jpg (600x432, 30.74K)

Lol. Hunter jacking it in the pool on camera. The Bidens are fucking nigger tier.

yeah funny coincidence, actually
google trends for all the identity politics buzzwords explode right after occupy got big
almost like they were worried "fuck banks" was gaining traction
now the banks fund the pride parades

Surprised he didn't gaff and say
>"Listen, Jack, I stole it fair and square!"

Trump is going to jail hahahaha

1 Post by this ID

The feds and banks infiltrated and put factions against one another creating a division of leadership. Then all those left leaning leaders became trans. Not kidding either. I know one of them personally. F2M chopped her tits off and left her husband and kids.

Nobody on Any Forums likes the Democrats.

bidet was talking about himself, my good 1p memenigger

>it was real in my mind
>then everybody clapped

Attached: 1643364970313.jpg (720x439, 46.89K)

Ah that crowd of 100 payed people.
Soon to be payed in democoin it's as worthless as biden is.