
Will be the repercussions of Commiefornia banning gas vehicles? Im betting it will cause huge exodus, which I believe is what they want.

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read between the lines, its the sale of NEW gas vehicles meaning all older gas vehicles are going to be exempt and its going to cause an astronomical spike in the used car market

anyone else find the 5 stack exchanges scary as fuck at the top?


Yeah try doing it in a commercial truck going 70 mph to avoid getting run over by the insane drivers in LA

That's correct, but this is going to force auto makers to either convert to all EV or lose big in sales by not complying with the most populous state in the US. Not only that, more states will eventually follow CA, putting even more pressure on auto makers

I dont think the populace is going to stand for it. Its being forced.

>drive over to Arizona and buy a new car
>register in California

What is funny to me is that state has expensive electricity and has often resorted to rolling black outs to keep the grid from failing. Now imagine all that electricity all those EV's will need in a state with shit public transportation.. Its already one of the worst states to raise kids but it will be even worse now because young people can't afford a new car when they start out and used EVs are worthless because the batteries cost about $20k a piece.

Its a great boon to China though they are after all one of the worlds largest lithium producers and are sitting on tons of the stuff.

Speaking of lithium who does no one talk about how nasty it is to mine for that shit? another inconvenient truth and we could be facing peak lithium instead of peak oil because its rarer to begin with and being used for consumer electronics heavily as it is.

Ultimately this is going to be a disaster but Its several decades down the line

wouldnt car manufactureres just move to nevada and oregan. theres just going to be a lot more used cars brought in from other states

funny how all environmentalism seem to just make china rich

>going 70 mph in la
I'm surprised you're not stuck in traffic

I hear Chile has some huge lithium deposits and I am all for them making some money too but I get the feeling they will mine the stuff and manufacture the batteries or parts of them in China anyway. Pretty sure china is making most lithium batteries as it stands currently anyway.

I believe they also make more solar panels than anyone else currently.

They're not banning gas vehicles, they're banning the sale of new gas vehicles. It's a big difference whether you acknowledge it or not.

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every car manufacturer is going to stop making them. they're telling you this up front. the "choice" element is being removed

People who won't be able to afford EVs (almost everyone) will be riding out rust buckets as long as possible as they get worse and worse gas mileage and emissions as time goes by, thus having the exact opposite result than the one that was intended. Typical libshit "thinking".

>lose big in sales by not complying with the most populous state in the US.
That is losing its population, like NY and IL

Rural living will not be viable anymore either for most so the city housing shortage will make things now look tame in comparison. All this so we can get stabbed waiting for the bus while rich people fly around in their private jets wasting resources left and right for their stupid lawns.

Another step towards energy independence and being weaned off the OPEC teat. I don't know why any freedom/independence-loving American would be against this. EVs can be charged anywhere as opposed to needed to be refilled at centralized gas refueling stations. The reduction in carbon emissions is yet another benefit.

28% of the vehicles sold in china this year were electric. I don't know why we don't have cheap electric vehicles here

California will literally turn into Cuba with everyone driving 50 year old cars.

>California will turn into Cuba before Florida in our lifetimes
fucking kek

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