Republicans Cope

The White House Twitter is literally fucking name dropping individual republicans and how much in loans they had forgiven. Republicans are such a fucking joke. And huge hypocrites, they love socialism for the rich, but hate socialism for the poor.

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If the money printer isn't going to stop until the US collapses I want as much as I can get personally

copium overdose

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le' bad!

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I thought republicans hate the gouvernment??

You're literally describing Democrat cope.
>b-b-but look at how much money some Republican politicians had forgiven, that makes it OK for us to forgive billions and billions of student loans for deadbeats!

Non, ils aiment le gouvernment!

that state of MAGAtards!!!!

So PPP for businesses that were forced to shut down due to liberal policies is the same as some idiot zoomer who wasted 20k on a worthless African literature college degree?

PPP loans were supposed to be forgiven, it said so literally when you got them.

Leftists again have no clue what they're talking about. It's just so fucking sad how such a large group of people in this country are so fucking dumb.

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>for deadbeats
My brothers loans were forgiven, all $14k of it because our family was dirt poor at the tiome he took them, 2008, and he's a much more productive member of society than me.

Businesses that didn't even shut down got PPP

MAGAtards are the worst thing to ever happen to the right imo.
Instead of being associated with conservatism, traditionalist ideals the right is now being viewed as the special Olympics.

>PPP loans were supposed to be forgiven, it said so literally when you got them.

>Leftists again have no clue what they're talking about. It's just so fucking sad how such a large group of people in this country are so fucking dumb.


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>This free money is good
>this free money is BAD ITS VERY VERY BAD, IT JUST IS

That's how you bring Americans together in this time of division.

they drunk to much man...

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>they had forgiven
Nothing is forgiven yet and even IF it publicly gets claimed such, nothing is actually forgiven anyways. Next lefty cope?

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I still don't get why this is an own? Niggers and faggots take out predatory loans at 18, go into absurd amount of debt, complain they cant pay it off.

PPP loans, governments force companies to shut down and stagnant the economy, people accept loans to help pay their employees because of the downturn forced upon them by the government. Democrats try using that as an own for getting those forgiven???

Fucking smooth brain to fall for such, I hate to say it, gas lighting

Muh PPP loans. The government forced businesses to close and lock down

If you dislike it now but not when Trump wanted to do it you're a brainwashed sheep cheering for your pretend side.

>He believes their false dichotomy.
>He thinks what they want him to.

>b-but the govermant force these companies to close!
The small ones yes. Big box retailers kept churning away while taking massive PPP "loans" and making record profits considering all the spare time everyone had to go out shopping with their new stimmy.

Why even call the PPP loans loans. It was the freesest money to ever be given out for free.

I'm not for the government handing out any loans at all period but here's the fact:

They took a fucking loan - and they didn't pay it back. I don't care what the fucking circumstances are behind the loan, that loan is now footed by the fucking tax payer.

Guess what happened when banks and corporations, jews on wall street all collaborated and handed out endless mortgages to American citizens? The banks, corporations and jews all got bailed out. The people left with the mortgages and foreclosures? They did not.

And you're sitting here whining about student loans like a fucking faggot. Wake up dumbfuck. This country is on a one way road straight to fucking destruction and student loans are the most insignificant part of it's destruction. End of fucking story.

Amazing totally makes me change my position im totally all for the gov. Giving useless people my money all the sudden wow op great point cant wait to vote democrat. Said no one ever.
Kys kike.

>loans were supposed to be forgiven

So you admit its a handout that used our taxes to subsidize the failures of stupid rich people.

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>republicans hypocrite
Yes. Stop forcing us to pay them.

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It seems this false equivalency is liked by their commie voting base.


did MTG or Crowder campaign and whine for these loans to be forgiven like democrats did about student loans?