Andrew Tate

Wait so why did he get deplatformed everywhere at once? Read up on him and he just sounds like Jordan Peterson for niggers, what makes him so special that he gets shut down so hard?

Attached: 220824-andrew-tate-snip-ac-715p-87eb7e-800x600.jpg (800x600, 36.36K)

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Because he was big even amongst the biggest normies

The left hates whites.

He got 10x more popular
He also said the things a little more extreme and hard than Peterson

I think it was that he said "women are mens property"
that really made the kikes mad

He never said a lie, and if it was said 50-60 years ago, no one would care as it was the normal things to think.

Short explanation.
He got people to escape their mind slave of being submissive and weak.


Attached: sldkjf.jpg (600x339, 146.43K)

But also, it’s the Jews.

my nigga
He is half black.
Sadly there was some race-mixing
But the two sons his dad and mom made is an exception i am willing to make.

>Wait so why did he get deplatformed everywhere at once?
Streisand effect. Now he can go on to become the Manchurian candidate everyone never hoped for.

I don't even see what that accomplishes. Every rapper already says what he does in less words. Gucci gang, gucci gang, gucci gang...


Jordan Peterson is Jordan Peterson for niggers.

Was the single biggest threat to young men according to the Nephilim cabal running this world, a elite bloodline that wants to emasculate all men and make them chop off their sons penis's. Top G was too fucking alpha for this world. can't have that goy.

Attached: top G.png (357x182, 53.15K)

He was redpilling young male zoomies to the point where women teachers were complaining about it, and that is a MASSIVE no no when the establishment has plans for them, molding them in a particular goyim state.

Because election manipulation with FEC violating dark money, probably from the CIA.

When Rollo warned about Red Pill going mainstream he meant grifters like this half nigger.

I didn't know of his positions before lately and still really don't, but what I do know is his family is CIA and they're probably just setting him up as some kind of stupid thing for retards to rally around instead of us rallying around someone with profound things to say.

He has the most punchable face I have ever seen. He looks like David Blaine with down syndrome.

>his family is CIA
I beg your for the sauce! This could change my whole perspective. He IS worth $350 million, so there's that.

He was going againt simp porn soi cocksucking feminist agenda so the kikes removed him

He's a rapist and human trafficker who deserves a fucking bullet

>1 post per ID
shill thread

Who gives a fuck, dude is just the next "Hur dur alpha male give me money to become one".

Beat you to it, faggot:
Rogan, Tate, and Jones are all CIA.

Where can I buy shills this tenacious, theyve been spamming this faggot all day. Herbs in the herb field.