Youngest black woman accepted to medical school

well, what do you think, incels?

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The bell curve exists, fucking wow.

And cue the jealous chud incels who will try to discredit her powerful triumph over a biased system designed to keep her down.


whoa black people are smart. everything i've personally observed throughout my life has been BTFO

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Not impressive.

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I don't trust any doctor under 40, race or gender have nothing to do with it

race and gender does for me. Never trust an Indian female doctor of any age.

I have an older dentist who I will always go back to for this reason.

This fucker removed two wisdom teeth in less then four minutes then kicked me out. Either he's secretly a torturer, or is one of the most experienced teeth-removers out there.

blacks in this country have been disadvantaged and oppressed. it's only fair that they are given extra opportunities to make up for it.

this attitude is why you'll never get a girlfriend

I’m genuinely happy for her and wish her the best.

Kill yourself baiter.

Also, fuck niggers.

doovie howser never works out. ask any of them. it's a stunt that ruins their lives

>Doc whats wrong with me?
Sheeeit cracka idk
>Do you think its lupus?
>HOL UP. You be trying to tell me. A DOCTA. about m.e.d.i.c.i.n.e. You axed me to dianose u. Be that way an figure it out on your own damn self.

Stupid white as researchin ass honkey tonkey

Nigger going to put a potato where your heart is lmfao.

Good for her but I can only imagine the stress her parents put her under and her lack of a child hood. She obviously grew up in a 99% White neighborhood.

I give her great credit for the accomplishment, but all these stories of 11-13yo children going to college makes me sad. They should enjoy being a carefree kid and not try and get into the rat race so quickly.

asians are so targeted its kind of hilarious

A nigger with shit grades has the same shot of being accepted as a asian/white with good grades kek

I genuinely hope you are given a black doctor when you need a competent one.

>egregious, ham-fisted, unashamëd diversity hiring performed as a blatant humiliation ritual
>proceeding to wonder why your nation is teetering on the brink of collapse

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she'll get pregnant with tyrone and drop out

trips of kek

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>The 13-year-old is currently a junior in college, attending Arizona State University and Oakwood University at the same time online. She is one year away from graduating with a double Bachelor's degree.

as an australian i find it so difficult to imagine a woman that african looking being that smart.

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