Train robbery. Sounds like the Wild West. But it's today

Why is this tolerated? Isn't this a sign of third world status?

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Got the video of the chimps committing the crime?? I've been looking for it.

the absolute state of USA

Those are railroad company stakeholders.

>Train robbery. Sounds like the Wild West.
It literally is the wild west.

America hasn’t had a real train robbery since the 30s user

based. old traditions never die in the wild wild west

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Imagine having to live with fucking niggers. I was watching some videos of Laos the other day - it's a 3rd world country that Americans fought a war in during Vietnam era. 3rd world but not one piece of rubbish to be seen anywhere. Meanwhile America is a trash filled shithole full of discarded Big Map cartons Asian peasants have more pride in their country than so called 1st worlders in USA

*Big Mac cartons

go get drunk and find a way to electrocute yourself.

Rich people and con artists joined forces with people that want to see the world burn. They win elections.

>niggers nigging
Whod have though

I'm a Filipino mutt and have never littered.

Honestly I'm surprised that biggers score 75-85 IQ on tests. Maybe it's way, way lower?

>I'm a Filipino mutt
You are litter.

Go look it up. You're literally filthier than fucking peasants. Every where you look in America theres piles of trash.
Or you can just cope and drink more goyslop and moan about niggers on the internet

Must be cultural

I know Satan. I am the world's trash.

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I can at least have solace in the fact I'm not a nigger. That's all that counts.

Another day in the land of the uncontrolled non whites. The sooner we return to enslaving them the sooner our countries will actually improve.

>Imagine having to live with fucking niggers.


i live a mile from where this happened. it was all done by spics. don't for a second think that spics are better than niggers, they are not. i'd even say spics are worse, because they do a better job of tricking people into thinking they are hard working productive individuals.

bussin bussin

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>poor dude at the end
wonder what time in the early am the feds cracked his pod open?

Whether you litter or steal isn't dependent upon IQ. It's got to do with whether you are a good person or not. Albeit much higher IQs will likely lead one to conclude that it is bad for society to litter/steal.

Spics are absolutely nuts. Full on crazy.

Polynesians and Maoris may be coons but theyre at least 20 IQ points above American niggers which at least makes them fit to live in a society without actively destroying it. Most are scared of God

The reason they dont stop the lootin is the same reason they didnt stop pirating in the 1700's. Insurance premiums go through the roof if there's a high chance something is gonna happen to the cargo.

BTW measuring IQ has to do with measuring ones skills at pattern matching. Hey his impacts a variety of things including how and what you think about, the number of angles that a thing can be thought about, and the trait itself can be trained. Measuring someone's "natural" (untrained) IQ is important.

this is like months old

old news

I just want to try to make the world better. That's it. I'm of course able to live in a society without burning it down, but I still don't really belong here.


We must create a population of subservient non white slaves. No non white should be allowed in our countries who isn't a slave. This is the only way to fix things.

lmao based cunt, actual America is different than big city america.

>no vacuum train

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Do I have to be castrated? If so, I might leave because that's a price I'm not willing to pay.