Fifis and Whitexicans BTFO by BAMLOC


>highest amount of direct foreign investment in history
>b-b-but muh PRIAND party says otherwise
>brb Mexico will also now have internet in the poorest regions, something you richfags never wanted

Seethe, cope and dilate

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Mexico is a Russian vassal


Cope faggot. La 4T avanza.

We are neutral

And why the fuck would USA allow a neighbor country to be a Russian vassal?

Right wing mexicans said that we would become Venezuela-tier and that AMLO scared all foreign investment away. Turns out the opposite happened.


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We will rape you in the ass until you die

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I don't feel any improvement.

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Brown hands typed this post

Same, if anything things are getting worse (as usual) in the city

ummmm based i is quite stupid to think in terms of the right and left, in Mexican politics, at least it is more nationalistic than the last faggots


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Based and AMLO pilled. Any Forums is rightfull AMLO clay. PRIAN sisters can go to Reddit and Twitter where they fucking belong

Any any plans for the future?
>Hint-hint, wink-wink

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Based genocide all nortindios
Piece of shit nortindio claws typed this


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It's a long term process user. Once Interoceanic corridor is done, there will be an economic boom in southern mexican states and their quality of living will rapidly increase. which means that central and northern states will finally be able to stop mass subsidizing the south. once the south is industrialized, mexico becomes, economically, first world.

You would be surprised to know Japan much like Mexico is neutral with Russia.

The main problem is the southern states including fatass jalisco. is correct that the southern half just needs more manufacturing and industrialization to see good things come into the future.

Why is allowing the mongol hordes of mexico on the Internet something you want?
This happened in the US with niggers and Obama phones, and look at us.

>USA is a Israel vassal

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>southern half just needs more manufacturing and industrialization

Nigga, the southern part needs depopulation