In one day, a man was diagnosed with monkeypox, HIV, and COVID-19

Faggots just cannot control their sick urges.

“The first patient to have COVID-19, monkeypox, and HIV at the same time was recently diagnosed in Italy.

He came down with a fever and sore throat, then a blistering rash, about a week after a trip to Spain.

The man had unprotected sex with other men on vacation, which adds to growing evidence of sexually transmission.

A man who tested positive for COVID-19 broke out in a rash later that day. Tests revealed he also had monkeypox and HIV, according to a case study in the Journal of Infection.

The 36-year-old patient, who was not identified by name in the report, is the first in the world to test positive for all three infections in a single day, the researchers said.“

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No body cares. Fags are hiding the truth so they don't get fired from their jobs.


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Number of monkeypox cases would go down if faggots had less than 2.14 different sexual partners per month.
The fact that numbers are rising tells a true story of faggot degeneracy

Damn, that's like a Royal gay flush

It is just like when AIDS came out in the 70's and fags went en masse to donate blood so as to infect as many normies as possible.

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You poltards pushing this narrative are brain dead, anything to distract from the fact that monkeypox is a bioweapon and fags are just the new "bat eating chinamen"

They're paid shills trying to suppress knowledge about the issue.

Living (not for long) proof that God hates fags.

I agree with you user

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wait what? i dont remember hearing anything about that

Bingo. We have a winner.
I just opened my pic’s and saw this sneedy deeds done derp cheap face on Tustin Judoh and thought - yeah man, wew! Get yours next, nonce. It would be super cool and I for one know that there will be an added place for the creeping evil of Justy Doodoo in my prayers tonight. Please God, please.

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Look what I’m eating.

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>The man had unprotected sex with other men on vacation

Yeah so this guy got the bad news all the same day but an earlier study showed 41% of Monkeypoxxers were HIV positive - and since Covid is fucking everywhere, he's definitely not the first to have all 3 at once - only the first to be told he's 3x fucked all at once

Monkey pox and covid 19 are the work of god. He's going to cleanse this world from them faggots

>It is just like when AIDS came out in the 70's and fags went en masse to donate blood so as to infect as many normies as possible.
If we had quarantined them, like we should have, they never would have been able to commit that heinous crime and MURDER RYAN WHITE, AN INNOCENT KID.

oh god, I thought it was me with that tan jaw and hair. He really is Castro's son.

he got a scat trick

Why, it's almost as if the media...


Newsflash, Pierre Trudeau was impotent, he doesn't have any children.

The Media Lied, and 9 year old Ryan White DIED, thanks to these filthy deviant sodomites.

>a man was diagnosed with monkeypox, HIV, and COVID-19

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