I only had the first two Pfizer shots, I'm gonna be ok, right...?

I only had the first two Pfizer shots, I'm gonna be ok, right...?

Attached: fug.gif (498x441, 125.95K)

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Sorry user, two more weeks max.


No, but don't worry, I've heard most people who die from clots don't even feel them.


Please? I don't want to die yet...

Safe and effective.. lmao

it's quick and painless. at least he wont have kids.

this is natural selection to weed out the most gullible goys.

Attached: sterile goy serum.png (691x673, 515.71K)

two doses? you already got the poison once then went for the second dose? oh man

you should apply for a refund -------> pfizer.com/refunds

Attached: Benzi+Cipelli+et+al.+proof+1.12 7 8:25:2022.jpg (1700x2200, 490.5K)

I reserve my contempt for fence-sitters like this.
At least schizos and skeptics on both sides have the courage of their convictions.

Attached: Not my problem.jpg (462x463, 58.97K)

I took Moderna, far more potent than Pfizer, but touch wood, I'm still fucking alive, maybe not for long.

just two more days until the billions of vaccinated people die guys

You'll be fine if you take refuge in Jesus Christ.

You're going to get a phone call from red deer "2 more weeks"

Just watch out for that red deer, already killed billions last September.

dead body cleanup in aisle 392579457

>I only had the first two Pfizer shots, I'm gonna be ok, right...?
same here, constant 24/7 headache, having trouble breathing and getting up the stairs, having dreams of dying, fucking hell i cant believe i didnt listen to pol/

Please at least try to help those who got the jab, if you ever got jab, use either nicotine patches on the site for at least a month, this is the easiest solution and will clear most of the spike proteins (especially if you apply it right after the injection), there are also some goverment papers here for more solutions


I also used to laugh at vaxxies, but please at least try to help, it's the same thing like when we tried to warn them, but it hits differently when your family member or so gets it

be safe, and remember
Christ is king

Attached: jesuspepe.jpg (640x640, 62.37K)

>Please at least try to help those who got the jab,
i got jabbed now im scared guys, i dont want to die yet, can you pray for me?

repent and make your peace before it is too late

Don't get anymore.

No. The covid gene therapy injection is the Mark of the Beast as shown through several ways, such as the translations of charagma/charax and pharmakeia.

"Mark" in the concordance comes out to charax = "a pointed stake, a palisade", the exact terms that would have been used in the 1st century to describe a hypodermic needle.

The Bible indicates that almost the whole last generation alive, which according to Jesus will be those that sees the creation of the modern state of Israel, will be "deceived" into taking the Mark through "pharmakeia", the root word for "pharmaceutical". Hence, we have a clear scriptural indication that the Mark will be a form of medicine delivered through something shaped like a pointed stake or palisade on a fence.

Furthermore, the vaccine contains "Luciferase", which is obviously the name of the Beast. Look into Microsoft patent #060606, and the picture becomes clear. Nowhere in the Bible does it say we will know it is the Mark, on the contrary, Revelation 19:20 reads:

"And the beast was taken...he DECEIVED them that had received the mark of the beast"

The gene therapy injection is the Mark because it literally changes you out of the image of God. Jesus did not shed his blood for transhumans that modified their DNA. He will say to those: depart from me, I never knew you.

Let's take a look at the rider on the white horse, wearing a "crown" (corona), and carrying a "bow". Interestingly enough, "bow" in the concordance translates to the Greek word "toxon", meaning "poison arrow", another striking congruence with a syringe.

You were warned, anons. Dont take it. Repent! For the full 60 or so pages outlining my case for the gene therapy injection being the Mark, a .pdf of my book can be found here:


Or here:

Retarded lemming

I gave you the resources you need, but I will pray for you anyways

>it's the same thing like when we tried to warn them, but it hits differently when your family member or so gets it
they committed treason and now they're paying the price. it's not just about them; their submission to the system caused others to think it was acceptable to get vaccinated (children) who were then mercilessly killed.

by vaxxing the vaxed not only harm themselves but harm everyone else around them just like not wearing a mask

>I gave you the resources you need, but I will pray for you anyways
reading it now, thanks for prayers fren. I pray to Lord Jesus that I make it

Did they end up getting me anyways?

Nope. No refunds.

It's just a bit of death, you'll be fine

you let them inject you with experimental gene therapy because you were afraid of a mild cold with a 99% survival rate
no refunds. I hope you die