What can be done about the public school teacher problem?

Teaching is the hardest and most underpaid job in the world!
>beats and molests your kids more often than the catholic church
>shouts at literal children and destroys their self esteem
>gets like 4 1/2 months off work a year

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Is Aqua's cumulon still green?

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America doesn't value education

I want to rape shit out of Aquas drunk ass.

Pay women to stay at home, raise the kids, and homeschool them. They should be paid exactly as much as teachers are for their work.

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would they still beat and abuse the students though?

I was home-schooled most of my life.

how was it

>Actually touching a children to smack them in current year

Teachers aren't even allowed to tell a kid to be quiet when he's standing in the center of the room Reeeeing like a retard at the top of his lungs because that might "Hurt his feelings"

i can tell

That's a man and she's built for bbc and I can save her bros

stats dont lie

>you forgot has mandated "lesson plan's"
so to be a """""teacher you stand infront of a group of children who are forced into a room with you

and at worst you read from a litteral sheet and at best you try to weave in some "fun" "allegory" or real impartment of understandin" into theese children who have no idea why they are here what they are here for or how any of this is important

i have never in my entire life met a good teacher, the best teachers at least made the time spent in their company bearable and its basically pot luck on any information i retained

teachers are obscenly overpaid for the service they provide

Abolish schools. They've always been an instrument of globohomo invented by moldy leftovers from the Holy Roman Empire.

Stats can say whatever you want them to say, especially in education.

Did you know most school stats report that most of the students even when the facts on the ground show that half of them can't read beyond a second grade level?

It's all how you play with the stats, and even the best school bean counters can't fight against the tidal wave of bullshit.

The only way you can fight back against the bullshit stats is with your own bullshit stats.

Education is now filled with two groups of bean counters throwing bullshit stats at each other while the students and teachers just drift along in the flotsam. None of the stats actually reflect reality, they reflect what the people in charge of the stats want to be true.

But the bean counters are smart, they know the best way to cover their ass on their failures of their master plans is to claim it has to be the teachers.

Just like it's not societal collapse and bad behavior that creates ghettos and dinduism, it's clearly cops being mean to black people!

> Between Fall 2019, and 12/31/2020, teachers received more than a 6.6% RAISE while not teaching in person. Did you get a 6.6% raise and work at home, or maybe were you laid off, or your job is gone compeletely?

>Full Time teachers work 30 or 31 weeks per year: 190 days minus 15 sick/personal days, minus 10 paid holidays, minus 10-15 paid vacation days.

>Annual Benefits are additional funds paid by the city on behalf of the employee for health insurance, and for pension which can be as soon as age 55, collected at 70% of the employees salary when they retire after 30 years, and up to 80%.

>So an employee that retires at age 55 with 30 years, making $93k per year, will get $65k per year pension plus cost of living increases as time goes on. That same teacher that retires at 60 with 35 years will have a salary of $102,600 and a pension of over $82k per year. They also get medical insurance from the time they retire until they go on medicare.

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Teachers are some of the most retarded motherfuckers I have ever helped in the IT field. Spent 2 years supporting an entire building of 900 students and staff. Age didn't matter, they were all too fucking stupid to properly use basic Office tools like Word/Powerpoint/Outlook or even use a web browser properly half the time.

Thank God for that experience, my kids will be home schooled.

Pay teachers so much you attract high quality people. Shift power away from the federal government completely. Move away from the Prussian model of education, which was explicitly created to create good soldiers, i.e., they only teach you enough to do your job. Our current school model is mainly obedience training/job training. It is not truly education. It’s been that way since the 1800s and it’s getting worst

>Did you know most school stats report that most of the students even when the facts on the ground show that half of them can't read beyond a second grade level?
Maybe you should learn to write at a second grade level lol.
>the only way to fight back against the bullshit stats is with your own bullshit stats
so the black book of communism was totally justified?

Most underpaid... 3 months of paid vacation a year and all they do is babysitting retards. FUCK OF FAGGOT

If they are overpaid why are there critical shortages?

its a deeply unfulfilling and overwhelmingly un-aspirational position to hold in society,for good reason.
that and birth rates+demographic issue's
very few people want to devote their lives to being a cog in a machine to do a child a dis-service

maybe im a little jaded on the matter but almost nobody wants to be a teacher to actually teach and those that do would run as far as they could from this job

Almost every teacher only teaches for the money and the perk's when they actually sit in the classroom they realise its even harder than they thought it would be and instantly regret it

the sweet spot for a teacher is a greedy lazy well meaning person a strange mix

the shortages dont exist in private schools. they just dont want to deal with public school zoo animal children