Is the Pope /our Pope/?

I mean, how can he sympathize more with Russians and condemn Ukrainians than say Dugina was totally innocent?

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this old fag just reads whatever is put in front of him, he's no different than a politician

So someone is based in the Vatican.

I'm 99% confident Francis is just saying it's sad some dude's daughter died, not "The russians are based lol fuck ukraine niggers"

I like the game this cult plays where every time they fuck up and say something wrong that people get pissed about they back peddle and say it was mistranslated

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I am 1% certain he is saying “fuck Ukis, victim of war, Ukis killed an innocent girl”.

Nope, the pope holds absolute temporal power

Masturbation is allowed? Seriosuly? Damn, 30 wasted years. Can I now finally wank off?

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>Playing both sides and congratulating the winner in the end
See also WW2

That's what his role is supposed to be sure but do you really think an 85 year old man is staying on top of world events? He's like Biden, just an old fuck occupying a position.

>best pope ever

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Popes should be selected only from Poland...

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The Pope is playing 2 sides. 2 days before murder of Daria there was a scandal with Arestovich, renown counsellor of Zelensky. Thing is, there was a photo of him and Alexander Dugin back in 00s. Arestovich often claimed that he is a jesuit. The Pope is a jesuit. (You) can make some connections and come to some fascinating conclusions sometimes instead of blaming only jews everytime.

he is a complete faggot that just visited my faggot country to apologize to treeniggers for the six millionth time


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No, he's (their) pope.

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He's Argentinian so he's anti west by default, which is based.

If there's one thing Argentinians hate are anglos

that's not Francisco, stupid nigger.

Like it matters?

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Have some devil horns too.

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Why so sad?

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this pope is a clown, he's basically Chavez. Map sentiments of a South American commie onto what this dumb ass says and realize where he's coming from.
>Russia good because muh soviet nostalgia
>pussyfooting around speshul operation in Ukraine because NATO aversion, which is also a function of soviet nostalgia and stale cold war propaganda

He's a son of commies, raised around South American pinkos and commies and he's just spitting the lines. Only thing he doesn't do is come out and say it's time for a bloody revolution, religion is the opium of the masses and white sharts are the devil, because then he'd get yeeted out of his throne. It's a wonder how he managed to not sperg out long enough to go through his career. Prob not that hard in Argaytina, where everyone is fellating governmental overreach 24/7.

would be based if he did, might even go back to church if he said kill ukries

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