Why do Europeans hate the term "white"?

Why do Europeans hate the term "white"?
You all seem to think that by calling you white, that we Americans are somehow negating or deriding your ethnicity, but that's not true at all.
Should a German get offended if I call him a European? Of course not.
The term "White" is just a word that describes pan-European ethnic groups. What's the problem with this?

Most Europeans aren't even ethnically pure enough to justifyably call themselves one ethnicity anyways. Let's take Anglo-Saxons, for example. If they were truly pure, they'd just be called Anglos OR Saxons. But no, in reality they are white mutts just like most Americans are.

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because no one here thinks in those terms...if you had ever been to Europe you might understand this better.

Because it helps the Jewish power structure for White peoples to see themselves as distinct and fight each other for Jewish profits.

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>Why do Europeans hate the term "white"?
It's a terrible term to describe people. Unlike Americans we actually respect the people's ethnic backgrounds in Europe and don't judge PURELY by skin color.

funny, that's what we say every time one of you eurotrash opens your mouth about america.

>because no one here thinks in those terms
Why not? Are your terms better? Explain them.
>if you had ever been to Europe you might understand this better.
I don't want to.

ok mohammed

>It's a terrible term to describe people.
>Using realistic terms that everyone can understand is le bad
>Unlike Americans we actually respect the people's ethnic backgrounds in Europe and don't judge PURELY by skin color.
Did you read anything I wrote?
Calling someone white doesn't negate their ethnicity, retard.

>Using realistic terms that everyone can understand is le bad
Describe the term "White".
Exactly, it's a blanket term that's not nearly descriptive and accurate enough to be used by anyone seriously.

>Describe the term "White".

I've lived in the U.S. I understand why you all blanket term each other "white" there. You don't have the actual cultural legacy stretching back any further than the 1400's. I've lived in building older than your countries discovery and founding. If you actually talked to Europeans here you might understand...but it is doubtful you will. Just keep on saying who is and isn't white.

Anglo-Saxons are not mutts. English people are Angles. The Saxons came in as an upper class, but you're talking about 50 German men on an island that already had a million on it.

Having a rich history doesn't change the fact that your skin color is white and you live in Europe.

By that definition you'd include Turks in that blanket.
Would you describe Turks as White?!

>Rich history
No offense to you EstoniaBro, I still love your country

Do Turks have white skin?
Sure, they live in Europe, but their skin isn't white.
What is so hard to understand about this?

Ok, listen here, idiot. You Americans say "White" is "European", but then it always turns out it isn't. Turns out according to your retarded definitions Arabs are white, while Spaniards aren't, just because some fat Anglo said so. "European" is simply the better term.

>Sure, they live in Europe
>their skin isn't white
Are they White or are they not?
This is why nobody uses the term "White" seriously.
In Georgia especially, we are quite literally impossible to classify with classical definitions

White is a retarded term. When anyone says this i ask them to clarify because it's like saying you're a person of color.

As pointed out, not everyone in Europe is white.

White = Pan-European with white skin.

>Turns out according to your retarded definitions Arabs are white
Our ZOG government's definition of "white" doesn't count. It is meaningless. Arabs are not white because they don't have white skin and they are not native to Europe. Spaniards are native to Europe, but some don't have white skin. This means that some Spaniards are not white, but most are.

>White– A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

le white man face

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>Turns out according to your retarded definitions Arabs are white
This is just our retarded government being what it is. Nobody here describes Arabs as white. They very clearly and visibly are not.

>You don't have the actual cultural legacy stretching back any further than the 1400's.
Holy shit, you are feeling generous today.

>Are they White or are they not?
They live in Europe, but they do not have white skin. SO THEY AREN'T WHITE.

It's a basic AND logic gate.

>Why do Europeans hate the term "white"?
they don't

>The term "White" is just a word that describes pan-European ethnic groups. What's the problem with this?
White was once just a color in your language. The Unitedstatesian has no identity, so he is incapable of understanding nationality, community, heritage and culture. The exclusively English doublespeak term - "white" - has been invented by Unitedstatesian Anglo supremacist racists first, to strip away humanity from etnic migrants that they didn't like and wished to enslave, like the Irish or Italians; later hippy golems of the 21st century took it over, turned it on the head and thanks to the carefully built Hollywood culture network it was disseminated all over the world; now imagine what happens in an underage nigger's ganglia when they finally learn English, illegally reach Europe and globohomos' vision of "white" is the first thing they're taught. Nobody wants to participate in your fantasies.
Regarding "Europe", this is a horribly appropriated name. Europe is an alternative name for the Balkan peninsula and you should call "Europeans" West Asian. If you're not Balkanite, you're not European, simple as. It's incredibly funny to hear an Unitedstatesian say "I'm going to Europe" when reffering to Great Britain.

Of course the Hung-Aryan likes to be called White

For the good faith ones, it is low IQ plus ignorance (for some). It's hard for men to think critically on topics that they don't interact with on a daily basis.
They can't put together that dropping a Scot and a German in the Congo would make their white sodality grow since they have to compete against the violent blacks.
As Europe is getting more non-white, white solidarity will grow

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Americans are the Whitest population on Earth, aside from Nordics. Iceland and Greenland, etc.

>I don't want to.
If you don't want to then why do you care if anyone in Europe is or isn't white? It would be one thing if you said they are or aren't European. But saying who is and isn't white is a mostly American idea.

Because as an identifier it is useless here. I think it is hard for you to understand that because you have had multiple races in the U.S. since the beginning. So your "us" and them "narrative" makes more since. Whereas in Europe up until very recently the population was not inundated with dark foreigners. So the way we differentiated was very specific to nation, genetic, tribal and linguistic lines. In the U.S. you do this with your ancestry still (saying what percentage of "German" you are etc...). Here those lines are more detailed... just in this region there are many differing peoples: Võros, Setos, Ludes, Olonets, Veps, Izhorians, Votes, Livonians and on and on. To you and most typical Americans they're just "white" people but they are distinct and as an identifier it is more telling to us when we say someone is Seto, or whatever group.

>Our ZOG government's definition of "white" doesn't count. It is meaningless. Arabs are not white because they don't have white skin and they are not native to Europe. Spaniards are native to Europe, but some don't have white skin. This means that some Spaniards are not white, but most are.

I don't give a shit. You're not European. You never will be. I'd rather hang out with a Spaniard than with an American who reduces his rich heritage to a skin tone.

Nigger, nobody cares about the history.
To be considered white, you must meet two conditions. If you only meet one condition, you are not white.

1. Is your skin color white?
2. Are you ethnically native to the European continent?

Your distinction between European and Balkan is completely autistic and irrelevant.
And yes, Great Britain has always been considered a part of Europe.