Why are women so entitled and uppity?

And what can be done about this?

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radical christian fundamentalism

they are spoiled whores or dead meat

is that grandmadonna?

It's a cry out for strong men to put the in check. They want male authority and discipline. It's an act.

This. They're angry at their nonexistent fathers for failing to raise them as ladies

She’s a bass player for a doom metal band but decides to post a picture of her pussy hanging out of her shorts and she’s surprised people would unfollow

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I like doom but she's no Dorothia Cottrell. What band?

I wouldn’t be surprised

I want to stick my face in there and eat her roast beef until she squirts buckets.

non irony sometimes i find women just downright anonying. Its like dealing witha 12 your old that refuses to grow up.

>Im a strong confident woman
>Oh No my follower count is dropping!!! this rejection and the opinion of others affects me deeply

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A fellow based man I see

She is mentally ill, schizo or smth. Just listen to the music if you like it, and forget about her social media

loser faggot get a life

cute thighs. could be a nice chubby goth qt but one look at the face and you know you're in for a world of suffering

But she’s not JUST a bass player
Some small time band

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>displaying your confidence
>cries for attention to boost her confidence because she lost followers
Sounds like a very strong, confident woman.

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I love how
>when you're feeling yourself
is basically code for
>had a manic episode and posted some legit questionable things
but no, no it's the followers who are wrong

this girl looks like she gets "depressed" and uses that as an excuse to quit showering.

Does anyone else here spank their wife? I don't mean as sexual foreplay I mean as legitimate punishment.
My wife threw a tantrum years ago and smacked me. I told her she gets that one for free but if she's going to act like a child I'll treat her like one.
She thought she was hard so she smacked me again.
I bent her over my knee and whooped her ass like a red headed stepchild.
Ever since she has been a great wife. I highly encourage giving your wife a spanking. It's a game changer.

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i heard a nigger say "in my bag" yesterday and it took me a while to realize what it meant. "nigga i was in my bag" aka i was acting like a deranged unhinged NIGGER

I am perfectly fine with this thot displaying her confidence, she should in fact move those shorts to the side so I could get a good look at her confidence
