Why don't we all just become hobos?

Why don't we all just become hobos?

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I'm down

idk, but im pretty close to becoming an hero right about now

ALSO: That Peasant never had to look at or listen to a nigger, a fat pig pinkhair, or jewnose commie bullshit

Anyone have life advice? I've been out of school for 2 years now, and I'm terrified of getting a 9-5 5 days a week life. The only reason people can stand that is because society is indoctrinated into it. I'm fine with working, hell, I'm fine with working for entire days, dawn till dusk, for weeks. But I'm terrified of it not being my work, and doing all that work so somebody else can get it. I don't want to disappoint family by becoming some vagabond or Ted Kacsynsci, but I can't imagine that life in any respect. Might just go out into the woods and pretend I own some land until I actually do own it (Old law from pioneer days). I don't need luxury, I just don't want to work like a servant.

id prefer organized armed squatting

Well in 1890 they might have started to notice the jews in their preliminary stages of taking over Germany

I have a good enough life without trying too hard.
I have standards.
Not a retarded faggot that's enslaved to drugs.

Death to kikes

I'm still saying we should get a bunch of educated whites together and build a utopian city in south America. We could start our own chip manufacturing and do lots of R&D.

Second best is a properly built and managed farm/ranch community.

I'm a proud neet using some of my monthly payments to buy crypto while not reporting payments to the government.

What the fuck is the point in working hard in this life when Musk and Bezos are currently engaged in a dick measuring contest.

Anyone who isn't a needy, over-expending prick can live comfortably well on neetbucks alone.

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Find a hobby that either results in physical items that can be sold or can be done as a service.

You will never get ahead in polite society and keep your principles in tact. Buy a van and find a commune. It seems drastic, but don't wait till your 25 to have the revelation that I did that it is the only way to go.

Because the (((caananites))) made owning land expensive and building on that land a beurocratic nightmare that you can't get around.

I fucking hate working, so I work 4 days if I can. What is money worth if you're miserable in the evenings and weekend? Atleast an extra day gives you more time to stuff you have to do in your own time so you can enjoy the weekend to the fullest.
Atleast you could've been that free in the 19th century.

Who said anything about drugs?

Sounds good. But they will not allow it.

I hope you make it with your crypto, user.

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>incels actually believe that German hut/house/whatever was what an average peasant had
This board is so retarded. Look up what it actually was, retards

how do i find a fucking commune?

Idk but it looks pretty good to me, bro

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These Irish peasants had their own farm animals. How will I ever get that in this urban hole.

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>Ted Kacsynsci


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But he didn't have a plasma tv

Checkmate conservitards

I'll remember how to spell Kaczynski's name now. Thank Polish man.

At least 10 times bigger than my apartment and 1000x more safe outside

>t. Londoner

its almost as if high density urban is always dogshit.

Because i like hot showers and castle doctrine

I don't wanna seem like I'm larping as a cult leader or anything, but I'm a charismatic enough guy. What are the odds I can start my own commune if I actually tried?

The only problem with that picture is if you are homeless and you build any sort of permeant structure in an abandoned area you will be arrested and charged with multiple crimes.
Being homeless sucks. You can live out of your car but that's not much better, you could probably buy a plot of land and build a shed and live in it but the zoning laws, at least in America, are fucking ridiculous and you're not as "free" as you think.

Basically, we do what we need to to maintain our living situation, because we are slaves.

we will be
>verification not required

That's, like, a 50/50 shot at verification. It's no the new doubles.

Yeah, (((they))) really started cracking down on the whole "van life" meme .You aren't allowed to do anything anymore

I thought about that, but best case scenario, it collapses, worst case scenario you actually do too well and become the next Waco massacre.

Because the government would make it illegal.

i literally live in a house in a remote area and i pay nothing

You should move to Oregon. You own unclaimed land if you work on it for 10 years. Hell, even claimed land, you own it if it's been left undeveloped and you've been developing it on your own.

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Starting a cult is easy as fuck, so many people are looking for someone to follow

I honestly considered becoming a hobo/going innawoods for a while, maybe for a month or so, as a sort of "self-humbling"/meditation excersise similar to what the Buddha did.

There are kike companies here in Australia that do nothing but try to steal other peoples rural land like this by sticking up fences/gates then after ten years saying lolitsoursnow.

NEETs please advise. I need 800 a month for rent plus food and shit. Where do you get money?

You're welcome. Also this user's advice is surprisingly on-point, unfortunately applies mostly to luxury goods and you'd risk being out of work when next economic crisis hits.

I was homeless once, it's not the life changing experience you think it's going to be, well, unless you catch the Lyme disease

My family comes from literal serfs in communist Russia and our Dacha has 2 stories

Meanwhile I live in a studio adjacent to a prostitute

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Buy bitcoin in 2015

>I'm a proud neet

literal gibs wigger bragging about living like a ghetto southern minority with 9 kids. fuck faggots like you. what would you NEET in when a small village or community needs you? You think the men of the village will just sit back and watch you teal things you do nothing for at any time? You are dead without your gibs. calling yourself a neet is a cope and has been for the last half a century