Stealing a diary = federal charges

Just in case you weren’t aware, stealing a diary is a federal offense, apparently.

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They stole classified information. The world was never meant to know that Biden rapes his children, it's an intelligence secret. It's basically the same as Nuclear codes.

steal it how? did they go in her room and look under the pillow?

Why did leftards fantasize for years about Trump molesting his daughter when Joe Biden actually did? Why are they so silent about this?

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There is the link from DOJ.

>HARRIS and KURLANDER then made contact with an employee of an organization based in Mamaroneck, New York (the “Organization”), who instructed them to use an encrypted application to communicate with the Organization and requested photographs of the Victim’s property. After receiving the photographs, the Organization offered to pay for HARRIS and KURLANDER’s transportation of the property from Florida to New York City

>the diary isn't real, that's disinformation
>Ok the diary is real but its illegal to read since it was stolen so you arent allowed to talk about whats inside of it, plus we don't know if it was doctored or not
>>you are here
>Ok the diary is real and after being used as evidence to convict the people who stole it it turns out forensics proved they didnt doctor a single page. This is whataboutism and an abuse of logic. You still aren't supposed to know whats inside so you aren't allowed to use the contents in your arguments. Stop being a chud.

>you will be federally charged with interstate trafficking if you take someones diary

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>they crossed state lines

So that confirms it was authentic then?
So it's a federal fact that Joe was dicking down his daughter?

yeah man, just look at all the footage of him being a creep with kids, that shit literally usually starts at home

>Stealing a diary
>Stealing every keystroke logged on computer and phone
>Big data business

Ah neat horrors beyond my comprehension.

Based. That diary is revenge porn and thus a federal crime. All hail Biden. Pay my loan wagies

It kind of a meme but it kinda isn't.
Let's say I got 10,000 chickens and wanted to sell their eggs, I could in my state just do it no license needed. But if I filled my truck up with those eggs and went to the neighboring state to sell I am screwed,FBI, FDA, USDA all up my ass.

Biden diddled his kids

And look at what an absolutely broken human being Hunter Biden is despite being born into the aristocracy. That's the lifestyle of a man who was touched by his father many, many times.

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all you have to do is look at joes kids, he's obviously the absolute scum of the fucking earth

was there harm done?

So... the pedophile diary was real...

Don't forget the IRS.
There is no law saying you have to. Unless you're doing interstate commerce you don't owe the Govt. jack shit.

Luckily shower time is now public record so its not a national security issue

Look, biden's a total POS but his roastie daughter humblebragging about daddy inappropriately bathing her doesn't mean he's a child molestor.

DOJ just confirmed that the diary is real and that Pedo Joe committed rape and incest

Department of Transport as well and those guys don't mess around.

Sixteenth amendment

But the items in the diary won’t be prosecuted. Cool.

Because it's only wrong if the other team does it

This. How else will the glowniggers blackmail Biden if everyone knows the secrets of him being a pedophile

Joe Biden fucked his daughter all the time. And given that the DOJ has been stacked full of pedophiles, they are keeping this a secret and executing those who expose their human trafficking operations. One of their favorite methods is vehicle hacking. They take control of uConnect in vehicles and accelerate the speed all the way. Why do you think so many people have died recently in these car accidents, that were either working on making a documentary, or pass legislation?

Because they are evil. All they care about is their tribe winning. They do not believe in objective morality.

Truth is treason in the empire of lies

Veritas already has the diary.