Blond hair in West

Saw people joke that blonds will have to be villains in new movies because of Russia and I thought
>It's already like that
and this made me realize the West has been spreading misconceptions since WWII that even confused me about my own hair color. And now they are fighting with Russia so they are planning ANOTHER 88 years of misconceptions. I found out some facts about the hair color on my head that go against the Western narrative:

>Blonde is the feminine word for blond. Western people only use the feminine word, and in most Western shows the "blonde" is always by necessity a female
>Blond hair often gets darker with age. A lot of blonds have childhood photos of their platinum blond hair in contrast with their current darker hair
>Purity/Racism: Hitler had dark hair and got a blonde wife, suggesting he bought into "bleaching" logic--not purity logic
>Blond hair is recessive but won't go extinct. Brown-haired parents sometimes have blond kids if they are carrying the gene.
>Recessive traits in general float between 25 and 50 percent of local population, only becoming 100% in areas where they are highly desirable

Attached: blond-fade.jpg (500x343, 27.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:–19

>the "West" has been spreading misconceptions since WWII
They are called jews, OP.

Imagine living in a society that has had decades of total jewish post-WW2 dominance in business, mass media, academia, film, government etc. with no opposition, where 'they' have embedded themselves so deep within your psyche that you don't even know they are there, structuring your thoughts for you. And imagine that your icons, your culture, your favorite television shows, movies, music, everything you were brought up on and know and love, is a jewish creation (a trick) and/or was pushed by 'them', likely so as to weaken you in some way.

Now imagine they have invented an unknown amount of terms, have drastically changed the English language and made up new words, changed their meanings, all to usher in radical change that they fund and then propagate through their global inter-connected network of news, tv, movies, and so on. Imagine they have quite literally bombarded you, your parents, and your grandparents minds from birth, and you're so accustomed to it that you don't even recognize it's happening.

Still with me? Imagine they own you, your family, and everyone you know and love. Their total assets are in the 'mere' trillions, but in reality they have a literally unlimited supply of fiat currency to prop up anything they see fit. Imagine every aspect of modernity being entirely dominated by jewish influence.

And then imagine dedicating your whole life and existence to debating over which piece of this propaganda was 'better', which had hotter chicks, better scenes, dialogue, and which made 'them' the most money to further destroy you.

Imagine wasting your life metaphorically playing around in an endlessly deep pit of excrement, splashing it all over you and your friends and dunking each others' heads underneath.

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>because of Russia
Because of Germany.
>Hitler had dark hair
A classic JIDF line. He was born blond and had blue eyes. His hair was brown as an adult.

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Why do people judge other people for having darker features? Majority of the people in the world and even in the West have dark-ish hair and brown eyes. I personally don't care about phenotype nearly as much as Genotype.

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>misconceptions since WWII
How we got to clown world 2022.... one example, look to how jews won their first major post-WW2 culture war victory in America. I am referring to the defeat of Joseph McCarthy and the vilification of "McCarthyism" (jew newspeak). He was exposing the jew infiltration of Hollywood and academia. When the (((media))) turned on him and basically discredited the idea of resisting marxists in our culture, they were free to act. Hollywood turned sharply to the left; just compare the movies from the 50's to those of the 60's and 70's. Academia became almost completely leftist (if not altogether marxist). The cultural takeover was complete, and no one lifted a finger.

Notice the Orwellian finesse in which jews have demonized certain ideas - rational rejection of degeneracy and communism and its influence in culture became the hated "McCarthyism". Any rejection of marxist beliefs became bigotry and racism. The victory the marxists enjoyed was the demonization of the idea of anti-communism/anti-semitism in America. This has led in turn to the idea that protecting any part of our culture is wrong, and must be resisted.

Today's left and the degradation of the American dream is the direct result of this cancerous idea that our culture is not worth defending.

There's a reason they don't teach you about the Venona Papers (declassified in 1995, a who's who of jews) in school, McCarthy was 100% right:

Attached: mccarthy.jpg (911x772, 131.4K)

>"McCarthyism" (jew newspeak)
This is classic jewing. Invert everything to gaslight and brainwash NPCs. It is called newspeak, a type of pilpul. The jews go-to weapon of choice.

Such examples:
>(((white privilege)))
>(((white supremacist)))
>(((holocaust denial)))
etc. etc.

"Antisemitism" itself is a newspeak term created by jews relatively very recently (a little over a hundred years ago) to shut down discussion and to control goyim thought, just like (((racism))) and the like. Pic related, maybe the most redpilling data one will ever see.

Creating and changing the meaning of words as a form of thought control goes hand in hand with the birth of the jew funded (((social political movements))) of the 20th century. Socrates predicted it all centuries ago. We now see it on a daily basis.

Through all of history... peoples were judged on their character, culture, intelligence, way of life etc. etc.

If you had a culture that were complete shit heads, or noble, or anything in between... those peoples having e.g. X color skin was not a factor in that judgement, only a descriptive. There were a multitude of black, white, yellow and brown cultures all looked up and down to at varying degrees. Simply read the bible or any other old texts like the Greek philosophers.

Attached: “racism” origin.jpg (1634x1444, 276.86K)

With the rise of jewish (((social and political movements))) you had attempts at thought control come into play. E.g. "You're not allowed to think X about X people, because that's "racist"! i.e "That's a thought crime!"

This came into prominence during the communist revolutions of the early 20th century. There in particular used to make it a "thought crime" to question the motives of the communist movement... "You are racist! You are antisemitic!" (communism was almost entirely a jewish movement).

You see words as thought control used in a multitude of other ways by various social movements for different agendas. Not being able to talk about black crime statics during gun control discussions is another.
>"We want to ban guns!"
>"But here are the stats, that makes no sense..."
>"Those stats are racist! You're a racist!"
>"These holocaust numbers just don't make any sense whatsoever... let's discuss this."
>"You're a holocaust denier! You're a nazi!"
>"I don't want trannys having subversive classes in our schools and public libraries...”
>"That's transphobic! You're transphobic!"

NPC: "Oh.... I don't want to be seen as a racist/nazi/transphope! Watch me virtue signal and comply... I'm a good goy!"

Jew population thought-control tactics 101.

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>Oy vey why do people judge other people for having darker features
>I personally, as a fellow white person, don't care about phenotype nearly as much as Genotype

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are you blind? that is clearly brown hair

pic. related is dark blond

Attached: hair.jpg (843x501, 35.05K)

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>their first major post-WW2 culture war victory in America
A 20th century jew population history lesson:
>Weimar Germany is the jew capital of the world
>Hitler rightfully expels the jews
>Jews then claim Hitler supposedly killed literally ***HALF*** the world jew population and took their wealth etc.
>only a few thousand bodies ever found
>4+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews become far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
>The USA becomes the new jew capital of the world
It really makes one think.

Attached: jew population.jpg (1554x1445, 548.56K)

Dude, I love Whiteness, but most people who shill against brown eyed and brown haired Whites are D&C shills and you know it

>4+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
Thanks to this freedom of information act, we now know to what great lengths jews went to cover-up this fact.

Attached: CIA WW2.png (850x1099, 405.98K)

youre on the right path, but still not educated enough
lurk more

>brown eyed and brown haired Whites
>literally posted an African negro

Attached: races.jpg (9367x7283, 3.93M)

mutts will say anything to convince you they're not mostly jewish diaspora.

It was meant to illustrate that phenotype doesn't mean jack shit when compared to genotype.
Even niggers may be blond and/or blue eyed, but it doesn't mean much.

>Weimar Germany is the jew capital of the world
More people should do some research into WW1, WW2 and Weimar Germany (i.e. jew Germany, Germany between the wars). History is now repeating.
>First trannies and sex change operations, via jews
>Communist hotbed, pushed by jews
>Media and academia controlled by jews
>Rampant pornography, pushed by jews
>Frankfurt School was founded there, by jews
>Riots in the streets, pushed by jews
>War declared on Germany in 1933, by jews
>Child sex rings, via jews
>Economy purposely tanked, via jews
>etc. etc.
Sound familiar? The USA has become Weimar 2.0

Weimar Republic: The jewish Babylon

Berlin, Sin City of Weimar Germany

"Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar" in PDF form:

Jews sabotaged Germany during WW1 and started a civil war among many other things (see above videos), and continued their subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power.

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>"Didn't they burn books? How oppressive!"
Isn't it funny how the (((media))) never tells you what books they were burning, or why?

Fun fact: They were books about nation-breaking degeneracy such as pedophilia and surgical transgenderism, a jew concept that originated in Weimar Germany (i.e. inter-war jew occupied Germany)

Attached: tranny origins.png (2668x1840, 1.8M)

>pedophilia and surgical transgenderism

Attached: groom.jpg (642x734, 179.85K)

>Jews sabotaged Germany during WW1 and started a civil war
It happened in 1918 and lasted nearly a year. German jews led an army of communists attempting to establish a communist nation in Germany during the crucial months of WW1. Countless German lives were lost and nationwide chaos exploded because of the jewish subversion. Thus, WW1 was lost.–19

Attached: germany civil war.jpg (1524x1262, 512.76K)

Fun fact: Jews were repeatedly asked to peacefully leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement

After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk. They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese. Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century.The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on all fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have seen in the US camps had the US come under such duress.

Attached: Haavara agreement.jpg (462x430, 83.74K)

One of MULTIPLE relocation plans the Germans proposed, most of which went fully rejected by jew leadership.

Page. 59

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And then, for the ones that refused to leave willingly, after the war was under way they planned on deporting them, hence the camps. Germany literally created plans to send the jewish population to Madagascar. Support for the proposal was first made June 3rd 1940 in a memo from the German Foreign Office, then got Hitler's approval, and it was nearly put into action before Allied gains in World War II made it untenable.

What an odd sequence of events for a country supposedly intent on "killing the jews".

>Hitler rightfully expels the jews
I wonder how many brainwashed NPCs out there believe Germany was the first country to try to expel the jews?

Fun fact: Jews have been expelled for their subversion at least 1,030 times

Full list with sources:

Another fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO LAW until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

§2 in Norway's original Constitution (of 1814) stated:
>Jøder ere fremdeles udelukkede fra Adgang til Riget.
>Jews are still banned from entry to the country.
This was important enough to be mentioned as one of the first things in their Constitution.

It really makes one think.

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thread was made so op can announce his blonde hair

many south Europeans and north Africans are born with light hair or red hair and blue eyes and then they darken with age

It depends. My hair was platinum blond and became the color in OP image. I suspect it's a result of mutting, however my parent dark hair is now gone and I'm passing along blond. So there's that part of it. But I know for a fact the West encouraged blonde women to go with brown hair or straight up Africans

the plan was scrapped just like the plan on relocating them to palestine

>many south Europeans and north Africans are born with light hair or red hair and blue eyes and then they darken with age
How does that work?

They hate us cause they ain't us.
Don't associate with ugly.

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your genes fight at a young age
My (lebanese) brother had blue eyes and blonde hair as a child. In the first 2 years of his life I think, his eyes turned brown and his hair darkened as he grew older

Your pic is medium blonde. The above is a 7-8 in shade. It's still considered blonde, its just dark blonde.

Lebbo kids with light childhood features are still obviously middle eastern. They don't look like a proper white kid.

Let me give you a basic gestalt

The Elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the
universe and they want to know it all. Some are good, some are bad, some are a
mix. But the good ones don't ever want to organize, the bad ones didn't want to
organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to
dominate other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get
together, until things are really late in the game, then they come together.
Evil is always defeated because good is so much stronger.

And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics show that- Max Plack's physics
show that there's at least 12 dimensions. Now all the top scientists and
billionaires are coming out saying it's a false hologram. It is artificial, the
computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially
projected and gravity's bleeding in to this universe. That's what they call
dark matter.

So we're like a thought or a dream that's a whisp. It's a computer program,
some God's mind, whatever. They're proving all of it, it's all coming out. Now,
there's like this sub-transmission zone below the 3rd dimension, it's just
turned over to the most horrible things, that's what it resonates to, and it's
trying to get up into the 3rd dimension that's just a basic level consciousness
to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up in the 5th,
6th dimension, consciously, our best people.

Attached: clx.jpg (1200x1200, 222.09K)

Einstein is getting btfo right now we live in an electromagnetic universe dawg.

We have free
will so evil's allowed to come and contend, not just good. And the elites
themselves believe they're racing or using human technology to try to take our
best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization, where they're going
to merge with machines, transcend, and break away from the failed species that
is man. Which is kind of like a false transmission because they're thinking
what they are is ugly and bad, projecting it onto themselves. Instead of
believing: no it's a human test about building us up.

And so, Google was set up 18, 19 years ago. I knew about this before it was
declassified, I'm saying I've got sources, that they want to build a giant
artificial system and Google believes that the first artificial intelligence
will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of
humanity with billions of people wired into what the internet is saying. And so,
all our thoughts go into it and we're actually building a computer that has
real neurons in real time that's also psychically connected to us, that are
organic creatures, so that they will have current prediction powers, future
prediction powers, a true crystal ball.

But the big secret is, once you have a crystal ball and know the future, you
can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that control the future. And so,
then it's the end of consciousness and free will for individuals as we know,
and a true "2.0" in a very bad way. Hivemind consciousness with an AI
jacked into everyone knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us not in
some PKD wirehead system where we plug in and give up our consciousness because
of unlimited pleasure, but because we were already wired in and absorbed before
we knew it by giving up our consciousness to this system by our daily
decisions, that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system.

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OOOh so that's why I had blonde hair as a kid as well

There's now a human counter strike to shut this off before it gets fully into
place. And to block these systems and to try to have an actual debate about
where humanity goes, and cut off the pedophile psychic vampires that are in
control of this AI system, before humanity is destroyed.

The pedophiles at whatever level, the devil, whatever you want to call it, this
interdimensional thing that gives them advanced off-world technology. The
fallen one, that's not of this world, is giving them advanced knowledge.
Instructing these systems that have already been used on other populations.

It's not Satan like something that the stupid preacher tells you about who's
totally controlled, or something you read about on the news or TV. But this is
an inter-dimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that
absorbs us and kills us. Rather than the divine free will we're given to build
something much better that empowers the species. So, the species is now making
a decision about its entire future.

That's what it is. I know, from looking at all the data, researching it,
studying it, and watching the enemy. That is the big decision that humanity has
now got before us.

>phenotype vs genotype
>pretends they are unrelated
>pretends phenotypes are not important
>pretends phenotypes aren't a result of genotypes
>gives a false two-choice pilpul
>posts the classic JIDF "Oy vey, see? Blacks can be blond haired and blue eyed too!" media line
>phenotype doesn't mean jack shit when compared to genotype
You're really pushing that gateway drug hard, huh?

It's is literally impossible for a true African to have actual non-albino related blonde hair or blue eyes without a history of race-mixing involved. I am pretty sure you already know this. If you are indeed a NPC that has been affected this severely by jew psyops, I suggest you lurk more before posting.

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>Some are good
lmao name one good leet

Lmao those are clearly highlights Hahahahahahaha what a faggot
OP's pic looks like brown hair but I'd have to see it under the sun or sth.

A planet of nearly 8 billion.

2 billion christians, 1.8 billion muslims, 1.2 billion hindus, a billion+ atheists and agnostics etc.

Only around 18 million jews. Simply do the math on pic related to see who has pushed the feminism/LGBT/tranny/grooming movement onto normies and normalized it.

Attached: jews fem and lgbt.jpg (984x1222, 236.22K)

>I am pretty sure you already know this.
I literally agree with everything you've just said.
I think we may've had a misunderstanding lol

Villains are attractive to women though

Ye, that's my point
'And Fins are Ugro Uralic with 0 r1a and r1b in them, doesn't change that they are the 'whitest' people on earth with the most blue-eyed/ blonde hair peoples. Americans and/or Germans only have a very small minority of blonde blue-eyed "angelic looking" people. So don't larp as pure aryan. Even hitler himself said that the strength of his people lies in their character which distinguishes them from people who act 'less human' or from people who are more intelligent on one hand, but choose to do nothing great with it, ie jews