It’s happening

The zombie apocalypse has started. We all going to die!

Attached: 3F417A45-6288-4C19-8C84-3643E786F44C.jpg (750x614, 322.28K)

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Red deer?

Evidence? Link? Beuller?

tf is a zombie deer? it's undead? Seems like kike bullshit to me.

Killing zombies is legal. It's a blessing in disguise.

>cities are full with meth and fentanyl addicts
>a fucking dear


nice link faggot

lol it's just hyperbole
deer can get a disease like cancer that causes them to grow horrible warts and lumps that gives it a zombie like appearance
it's a fairly common and documented phenomenon

Attached: deer-2_orig.png (465x626, 550.94K)

That looks staggeringly painful

Attached: Carlos.jpg (600x600, 34.54K)

Fairly common and documented phenomenon in the current day. This was not common or documented at all prior to the industrial revolution primarily. The environment has been flooded with so many different toxic chemicals that are outright harmful to most life on Earth that it's ridiculous. Plastic is one of the worst offenders and it's disgusting what it's doing to our environment, and even humans and their bodies, yet it's tolerated and allowed to continue because of corporate greed and corrupt politicians that are so easily bribed.

Fuck you Carlos

Chronic wasting disease I believe is the name, closest thing we have to a zombie plague and there is concern of this spreading, and possibly crossing to another species.

Faggot mexican

Sad. Either bring it to a vet or give it a mercy killing.

You literally made that up, this is CWD.
This is not part of your climate and pollution agenda, Go create fantasy elsewhere.

that wouldn't surprise me at all
humans are assholes

That is one of then most disgusting things I've ever seen

>t. faggot boomer tourist
>NOOOOOOOOO you cant just want a clean environment and air that isn't polluted and contaminated to complete shit that "zombie cancer deer" have become normal!!!!
Eat shit and die, you parasitic fat fucking boomer. I can't stand you worthless mouth breathing fucking retards that relate any sort of desire to improve the environment to "MUH CLIMATE AND POLLUTION AGENDA".

Imagine hearing this
and then seeing THAT looking straight at you




>GMT: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 2:57:46 AM
>Relative: In 2 months
>Unixtime 1666666666

This is what happens when we push the Overton window. I hope you’re happy goys. I am.


All zombie means is that it has no brain function other than eat.

this is wat the vax will do to people. spike proteins

>you lituhly made that up!!!
>there were cancer undead zombie deer a thousand years ago!!!
>whuddyumeam you want to live in a world that is clean and not polluted and leave a better world for your children after you!?!?
>you must be one of dem global warming leftists!!!
All boomers must die in meinkraft. Nothing will change while you nigger loving jew subservient boomers still draw breath and make up so much of the electorate.