Why is Omegle so based?

Why is Omegle so based?

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I frogot about omegle after mr.crusader left.

Notice this boon has to share every instance where someone says "nigger". Just think about that for a minute, about how hurt this boon is every time someone says the magic word.

That poor little girl needs glasses...
He's clearly a NIGGER...

Gen alpha might save the world.

Martinez created a monster

>tattoo brocoli weed smoking tranny gen will save anything
no, it is us who can still change things.

You're all bark no bite.

faith in genZ restored, thanks

well, at least i am not a mulatto broccoli head lol

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ayy lmao that gay twink at the end

how is it even legal for him to publish this? all faces should be blurred, no one that doesnt agree to appear in a film should appear

i don't like this sort of racism. It's low class, shows their retardation. They're just saying it to sound funny and edgy, they don't actually have beliefs against niggers

Idgaf what kids slur at each other

Nigger privilege

Why are American women so based? What are the political implications of white American women being the most right-wing female population on earth?

Also how do I get a qt all American gf?

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>even the faggot called him a nigger

If they had grounds for it, what are the chances they'd actually litigate?

I'm surprised about this actually, I don't have much contact with the youth, my guess is the 2020 George Floyd BLM bullshit and the constant media pushing is actually getting people to turn against blacks, because I don't think this would happen 10 years ago, outside of teenage boys being rowdy, not homosexuals and girls saying nigger.

white people in general are tired of their shit. unfortunately its my faggot millennial generation that still bends the knees to niggers

>even the faggot got in on the fun
They're eating eachother

And then they (yt) people wonder, why they get knocked TF out so much by BLACKs

It's crazy how much these people seethe over a fucking word. They act like you just killed someone if you say Nigger.

This looks like another jewish rick to make racism seem all pervasive throughout society.
>Get a nigger, make him look totally innocent
>get normie faggots to call him a nigger aut of the blue
>Post to twitter to build anger towards whites
And Any Forums takes the bait every fucking time

If he was white most of those girls would of shown their tits

Like this?

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she has them as you can see, she just took them off probably in case she saw a nigger

His six month run was the golden age of streaming

i think God himself invented that word. is there any other word that just better encapsulates .... a nigger?

3 locker scenes were from pre 2010 and the boxing match at the grass was in 2013. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for your compilation? Lol

This is omegle not youtube dumb tranoid

is he still locked up? free him and mr bond.

yt is nigger babble for "white". i'm not sure if its out of laziness or stupidity.

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Ok gypsy


Your a fucking schizo

>They're just saying it to sound funny and edgy

not really, they are just saying it without a second thought, almost as if they are annoyed that they have to be looking at yet another stupid nigger and are sick and tired of it

The nig looked like those scrawny pygmy east africans aka SBC. He looks Indian with an afro. I can see why he's getting disrespected. Get a Tyrone African American 6ft, large framed nigga BBC no yt boi will dare say nigger.

>make something a major social taboo
>surprised when teenagers rebel against it

he was a nice guy tho

glad you agree chang
the way they quit instantly and a few started giggling like retards doesn't tell me that desu

You're just a brainlet pawn for the elites to manipulate. Anyone with half a braincell can see this shit is fake as fuck