Can someone explain the Zaporizhzhia plant thing to me please?

I made this retarded and probably incorrect diagram of what would happen if the plant were to go boom so I wanna ask
>what did I get wrong
>who discounted the power plant from ukraine
>why would either try blowing it up if it means radioactivity could spread much closer to them than anywhere important?

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False flag excuse for NATO to intervene in Ukraine.

Weird, when you put it that way it makes it seem like only one side would benefit from shelling the plant.

Concentric circles on a map is exactly what happens when there's a happening, your diagram is perfect.

Russian army iss just incredibly incompetent and Putin is schizo and unironically evil

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Nuclear power is completely safe, nothing to worry about son.

How? Which side? Both get fucked immensely

it was made in cccp you moron

Wdym anywhere important, you fucking Russian spy? Do you WANT it to spread to UK and Germany? Fucking traitor

>we have to shut down all nuke plants because zelensky might come and shell the fuck out of them

At least he started using "Nazi" instead of "Fascists", which have nothing with Nazism (not that Ukrainians have anything with Nazism)

Deep state is going to run fake news that russia destroyed the power plant for no reason while russia is either going to take control or unplug the buttfucker OSS.

Then the deep state is going to drone strike it like mossad always does whenever they claim an explosion was an "accident".

Then russia is going to say no, fuck you kikes, too bad, forensics nigger, and expose the fraud behind chernobyl and nuclear weapons and radiation in general and then climate change myth crumbles to dust,

And finally germany rebuilds their nuclear plants since russia has higher bidders for it's LNG and oil, china and the whole pacific coast is way more important than all of europe, sorry but true, whites got kiked hard.

But putin knows exactly what's wrong with the synogogue of satan.

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Umm... reactors generally are pretty resistant to bombardments, not because they're designed to be, but because conveniently the same designs to protect against a core meltdown and radiation also help protect it against munitions (many many feet of steel and concrete.)

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The Russians want to quietly turn it off before winter, sound military strategy. Nato and the Ukes shelling it? Crazy times.

>>what did I get wrong
It will blow to the east because it's west wind zone
>>why would either try blowing it up
They don't want to blow it up, they want to steal it and banking on the fact that ukies will just give it away for free which they don't. So now the power is being generated and has nowhere to go and will blow up on it's own since reaction is going

Did you just put some circles on a population density map of Russia and then start a thread asking people to raise your IQ for you?
>Nuking/radiation release into other countries is bad and makes people angry. I hope that is simple enough for you.

Why would it "go boom"? Its a Gen III VVER, not an RBMK like Chernobyl.

I doubt fuel rods in there aren't 99% enriched like in a nuclear bomb too.

slavs are retarded, news at 11


Retarded hohols are taking potshots at it and blaming it on ze evil Russians

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