Canadian VA tells vets to kys themselves

>hey I’m calling because I have ptsd from fighting a war for you
>”damn dude that sucks, you should suck start a shotgun. Don’t worry we’ll give your kids counseling after.”
What In the absolute fucking clown world is going on in the Canadian healthcare system?

Attached: DADCE822-29EE-46EC-BC0C-9616B4728058.jpg (1440x810, 291.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Canada is run by satanists that promote suicide and hedonism. And because everyone here is so nihilistic with their material goods they accept it and nobody wants to call them out because that would be "rudge" and canadians are "nice" despite always being passive aggressive.

Is he like this for the whole video? I can't be bothered to even skip through to check it's so fucking annoying.

Attached: 20220825_090336.jpg (1080x556, 179.27K)

We are moving towards a post-US world.

Euthanasia legalized a month ago. 10k dead already.

Canada will have 100k dead each and every year from euthanasia, outkilling every other form of illness or injury. We already have evidence of doctors accidentally killing patients and covering it up by claiming they asked for assisted suicide. We already have governmental bodies telling people to just kill themselves because it'll save the government money or the bureaucrat simply doesn't like the person.

Soon enough we're going to have people being "euthanized" by doctors looking to harvest their organs in order to make fat stacks of cash

Legalizing euthanasia was a colossal fucking mistake

It’s his character, yes. He is also an actual drill sergeant in the American army.

>10k dead already.

K then I'm gonna pass on watching it.

Retarded faggots, the lot of you.

That's the whole plan. Canadians are literally nigger cattle, not like it matters anyway because Canadians love being treated as nigger cattle by daddy government and will defend big pharma to the end. They found out instead of tricking people to kill themselves with the jab they will just tell us to kill ourselves and it is working.

Let me guess, covid is also this super deadly virus and we have to take that 5th jab?

>hehe you don't follow media narratives? Well I bet that means you follow media narratives
Like I said, you are mentally challenged.

I’m lost. Is your position that your own government legalizing and encouraging people to kill themselves somehow actually detrimental to globohomo?

Im going for it.

>euthanasia a solution for mental illness
>mentally ill eventually stripped of agency
>being of opposing politics deemed 'mental illness' by ruling party

>I'm lost
Yeah, that's what happens when you get obediently outraged at whatever the media tells you. Are you saying that people with debilitating terminal diseases should be forced to suffer just because you saw a zogbot crying on the news? Because that is your only possible argument here.

Satan took over this world. It's pure evil and degeneracy at this point

I think the second you give doctors permission to kill people your entire medical system is poisoned. There will be no more medical malpractice cases when the doctor can just say “nah he told me to do it.” You’re absolutely retarded if you think legal euthanasia isn’t going to be abused for nefarious purposes.

How do Canadians persist in this “we are the nice white people” bit?


Wheeled in on a cart, lying dormant not dead
Hospital of immortality, butcher their patients bloody red
Taken to a dark room, fear of impending doom
The doctor straps you down, with an evil grin
Grabs his rusty blade, ripping through flesh and vein
He tortures his patients through evil means

You can't try to fight them, first they change your brain
Beyond the realm of evil, their means are insane
Mutilated beyond belief, but still kept alive
Pathologist of death gouging out your eyes

Guts and blood, bones are broken
As they eat your pancreas
Human liver, for their diner
Or maybe soup with eyes
Cause of death, still unknown
Gnawing meat, from your bones
Bone saw binding in your skull
Brains are oozing a human stump
Needles injected, through your eyes
Pulling off flesh, skinned alive

Killing for free in blood they will trust, and they must never forsake
feeding on blood that brought them abound, and they must kill tonight
Genocide, suicide, screaming cries, in hell you will die

Oh so you are just a faggot than that supports globohomo while trying to pretend you are against the system. Checks out for your average Canadian. Yeah, just trust the medical branch that all wanted us to take a poisoned untested "vaccine" while the medical system itself is fucking shit and garbage.

based tavistock research facility meme state

Congratulations, you're an NPC.

>I believe that others should suffer because I'm easily manipulated into outrage
See above

>zero reading comprehension skills
>emotional knee-jerk reaction
>psychological splitting
See above

Underrated. It's for the whole west. But the USA still has constitutional (now a minority) of the actual americans, who are still, strangely, well armed and wealthy. Not for long though. And even though. Worshiping of the personal wealth against your countrymen will doom everyone eventually. Hence nobody will do shit until they are all left without any influence, wealth and power.

Like I said, everyone here is passive aggressive and might even do some surface level shit like hold open a door for you or say "good day". The moment you step out of line though saying "maybe open borders isn't good" the moment you say "Hey, you are doing that wrong let me show you how to do it right" they all have mental breakdowns. If they are older or in a position higher than you they get extremely confrontational and ask like massive assholes using all the fallacies, mostly appeal to authority to prove how they are correct. Anybody else they get passive aggressive or slink away crying while they try to dox your ass and say how mean you are on facebook trying to spread your face.

>kys themselves
>kill yourself themselves