>Ukraine's Russia-Controlled Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant Disconnected From Power Grid

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-25 at 17-23-42 Ukraine's Russia-Controlled Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant Disconnected From Power Grid.png (1071x1584, 960.59K)

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disconnected from the ukrainian power grid.
as in ukraine gets jack shit energy.

they were talking on RTV about it, it also means it's no longer receiving electricity for cooling and it's on back-up diesel generators

>UN has offered IAEA inspectors but Moscow has insisted inspectors travel through Russian-controlled territory
1. Pretty sure it was Ukraine demanding this
2. What the fuck does it matter. IAEA should be a neutral organization. If either side offers to take them there accept it!

>Russia is holding an emergency Duma meeting today ostensibly about the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, but experts predict that is merely a pretext for Putin to announce full mobilization against Ukraine. Make no mistake, this will likely draw NATO into the war. The time has come for us to accept we are witnessing the end of the civilized world.


>Ucrainenii au acuzat că deconectarea centralei face parte din planul rușilor de a întrerupe complet centrala nucleară Zaporojie de la rețeaua de electricitate a Ucrainei.
>de la rețeaua de electricitate a Ucrainei.

yes, and what's the next paragraph
>După doar 90 de minute fără electricitate, în cazul în care generatorul de rezervă se defectează, temperatura în reactoare va ajunge la un nivel foarte periculos, avertiza Petro Kotin, șeful companiei ucrainene de energie atomică.

if anything happens with that back-up generator everything is fucked

the station has power.
but they are intentionally misleading the people.
ukraine was cut off from the energy the station produces.
it doesn't need ukraine to keep on going.
the backup generator works if there is no power. this has nothing to do with ukraine.
you failed the low iq test.
I am sorry, user.

dude, you're confused
>ukraine was cut off from the energy the station produces.
it works both way, Ukraine was also supplying the energy for cooling
>the backup generator works if there is no power.
yeah, it works, as long as it's supplied with diesel fuel, but if anything happens to it there's no back-up measure left.

the station doesn't need ukraine "for cooling".
the fucking station works by heating water that turns into steam and then that steam goes into a turbine that produces electricity.
the river does the cooling. all nuke power stations are near rivers.


you see that? those are power lines going over the river to ukraine. this is how energy was sent.
ukraine was selling that energy to us, romania.
because ukraine has no industry left. so it has a surplus of energy.
russia cut off the money stream.

Attached: stalpi electricitate.png (1743x841, 2.18M)

Reminds me of a elite user thread said a year ago that this was going to happen.

This really isn't good. I understand the implications.

Brainlet reporting in!
Wouldn't the power the plant produce be directed to the cooling system?

>The time has come for us to accept we are witnessing the end of the civilized world.

Stop I can only get so erect.

Kek, someday shills will learn about what makes their electricity.
>t. Boilermaker.

>the river does the cooling. all nuke power stations are near rivers.
Operating the cooling requires power. It's not a CANDU where if the coolant boils off the coolant is also the moderator so everything should just shut down. It's more 3.6 roentgen territory depending on what emergency safety measures the operators would still have access to and how old and possibly shitty the design is.

Why not power off the reactors, decouple it then power them back on?
How mentally ill are these rushit subhumans that they can't figure out something this basic?

do they use a bucket line to move river water into the reactor

you're saying I'm wrong?

if it were in a rump state then ukraine wouldn't want it back.


ukraine getting so fucking desperate to change the momentum of the war they're shelling a nuclear power plant... again

No, the opposite. Im saying you're absolutely correct in every statement you've made on the grounds of power generation, and laughing at the shill who tried saying otherwise.
Guns down cowboy, I come in peace.

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i'm sure they stop the chain reaction duh