New Tim Pool opinions just dropped

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*the joke being that Tim "believes" whatever the YouTube TOS allows
inb4 his reputation management firm posts a link to his stupid music video.

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He should drop the beannie he doesnt even takes it out for summer time. Joe organ is bald and he is rocking it

Tim Pool is like jew
Not white but he always roleplays as one
Not based but he peddles very safe slightly right wing subjects while pushing far left shit
All of this to sell shit in buckets and charge for his website.
Always wears a beanie which is just a kippah with foreskin

>masks cause covid 19
>but also covid 19 doesn't exist

Do feminists really?

Not his opinions he is showing uoutunes tos update.

correct on all counts
but it's catching up with him, if you look at his social blade he hasn't grown at all since he started shilling the election being fair.

see congrats on being humorless

i wish that Adam guy will say why he left his podcast

man his fucking music sucks he's such a narcissist getting outside of his lane. stick to what you do best

he's controlled by Zionists just like Alex Jones and many others

because tim needs someone to play dummy so he can abuse them and look smarter

>outside of his lane
A feminine concept. Men unironically watch MLP in public because they don't give a fuck.

He's hinted at it a few times
Basically this is what I put together
Adam was working for free (which is insane)
He asks Tim for a salary
Tim fired him and hired Ian (paying him a salary)
I think the real reason why Tim fired Adam though was that Adam was basically a chad, 6'2" literal model, funnier more easy-going, Tim was sick of being mogged in front of all the female guests so he hired a beta lackey
I also think Ian is tasked with bringing up certain narratives that Tim's CIA handler (Cassandra Fairbanks) make him forward.

This is very similar to what happened when I went to a place that still had mask requirements that I absolutely was ignoring.

He's only grifting in order to get money enough for a hair transplant.

this is a big part of it.

This is the new glownigger thing, huh? Accuse everyone of being feds?

Always has been

Tim is a massive faggot that pushed masks from day one.
>just wear it
>asian's do it
>I'm tired of arguing about it, you people sound like you're in a cult
>it's just a piece of cloth
I had to tune this faggot out. Pure rage when listening.

does Tim not understand that he is only allowed
to parrot shit while the US regime ideology is not crossed

he is no better than his north korean brothers and sisters

It's hilarious how many people claim not to care about Tim Pool but constantly complain about him. Like really, talk about TPDS!

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