Biden approval soars

>Biden approval soars
>Republichuds on suicide watch
>Blue Wave 2022 confirmed

This is the year that the GQP party dies, brahs.

Attached: biden.png (1163x1016, 173.77K)

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God I fucking hope so, nothing would make me happier watch the US tear itself apart even more.

Lol, take one fucking look at that graph without it's labels, and tell me it looks accurate or real, assuming there's no catastrophic/sea change level event (and there hasn't been)

Fucking morons

>thinking kikes would ever get rid of something as valuable to them as a two party system
nigga plz

We will do it first

I will work in a slave labor camp to afford my electric bill just so I can keep up with the shitshow that will be a "blue wave"

Why would the kikes want a uniparty?

Imagine actually being dumb enough to believe this

>project a policy will be popular
>implement policy
>the next day opinionados claim that presumably popular policy is popular

If you think this chart is real, you'd probably think the 2020 election was real

Voting Democrat just to punish Trumpers

Looks about as authentic as the voter tallies on election night kek

Blumpity Blump totally Blumped! iT's oGrE bLumPtArdS!

Attached: BidenCnnPoll.png (943x800, 143.11K)

>voter tallies on election night

Attached: CNNisInOnTheFraud.png (850x640, 591.68K)

rasmussen finally broke and took the money

prepping for another steal. they'll do this forever without something earth shattering going down

fake as fuck

Do NPCs realize he will allow them to suffer for years before doing anything for them just so he can look better during election years?

He gave Americans student debt relief.
That's a massive Biden Win!

politics is so fake and gay in the west, its not worth following. it's only limb wristed weak guys that somehow got in by fraud or by being a malleable puppet.

none of these people has the spine to represent our interests, they all hide happily laughing like Scholz or Biden behind some weak globohomo agenda while the own country goes down the shitter.

>1500 participants
>all democraps

They should add “don’t care, it’s all fake” to the poll if they want to see reality.