Why do Jews own so much shit?

>Durr its the high iq

I have 145 IQ and i dont own shit

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You may have a high IQ
But do you have loads of nepotistic relatives?

There's more white mensa level IQs than jews in their entirety.

Not feeling the urge to fuck someone is also a good feeling virgins

I literally post this every day when I see the "high iq" myth, and the next day, there's the myth again as if the previous day's exchange had never occurred. I grew to hate them.

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corporate espionage by mossad

Israel is tied with Ireland and Vietnam for IQ.


why do they always have that face?
that rat face
once I noticed it, I can no longer unsee it

Israel is 20% arab and 40% Sefardi

Poland has a higher average IQ than Israel.


Australia has abbos and it's 5 points ahead.


reptilian brain? or is a neanderthal thing?
how about niggers? they just want shiny things and big booty

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why jews look so disgusting??

i like some jews, but most of them just trigger something deep inside of me

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Nepotism and control of capital.
It's no coincidence that Jews disproportionately control most of the media companies and the banks.

From the L.A Times:

40% of 94 is.. 115!

Bump for relevance

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It’s not very good for man to be part of the technological industrial machine. Jews don’t have a soul or their soul lacks control of the body ( probably because of circumcision) making them easier to participate in it. Obviously this is bad for the soul.

They started the war..I HATE KIKES

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they control the central banks so they can basically control any industry with that access to capital.

Why are rats or cockroaches so successful?

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God blessed us

>Why do Jews own so much shit?
Nepotism and multi generational families. Jews are deeply into genealogy and inheritances.

2nd, they are the biggest recipient of welfare gibs (yes, beyond niggers and spics)
Any time their gibs get cut off, they screech about the holohoax and anti semitism and how they were oppressed 109 times

combine nepotism with endless gibs and you have hundreds of years of accumulated wealth

there's more than one phenotype, dont lean too much on the ratface for your jewdar

And we all spend our time shitposting on pol instead of building rollercoaster ovens.

We still hate commies as much as kikes. You get the rope right beside 'em.

lo, cool it with antisemitism, breh