I am re-starting Western Civilisation

Men, It's time to start again and rebuild what we have lost and will lose. The time starts now, embrace your inner demon and cast it into the fiery pits. Suffer as without suffering we would of never known the collapse around has begun.

We built this world and we can easily rebuild it back to its glory and rid it all of its filth. Pain and suffering is needed, loss of what we have known and loved is the building blocks. Being comfortable is our weakness, not taking a stand will destroy us.

These years we will path ahead will not be easy, they will attack us shut us down. But we will come back, take one of us down 100 pop back to fill his place. Look at your family, look at the world you call home. The time to make a stand is upon us.

We are the builders, the thinkers and the true masters. The small percentage that has enslaved will cower to us, as we show the true power we all have as a collective.

Share your wisdom, share your skills with each other. The battle lines have been drawn and with discipline, honour, tradition, will-power and suffering our day will come and blossom for the next 10,000 years.

- The lizard brain society.

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>no Islam

Islam is a false religion. We are aiming towards the stars.

All religions are false, you need to force Islam on women to keep them in check or they will destroy society in 1 generation.

Why are you trying to drive a wedge in, this generation of women are lost. The hope is for us men is to return to the natural cause, this in return will make our women become women.

I feel bad for you, but with dedication and suffering you will change your sigma, channel your anger and start again.

-The lizard brain society.

I want to end human kind, we are a shit species.

Then end it. Young man you are a lost soul, rebuild yourself focus, the world around you has made you soft and weak. True enlightenment will be reached, not only within yourself but with our society. We are explorers, travellers, warriors and great minds. We will build back what we lost and reach true glory, the time has come.

I'm not ending it because I have friends and family, I will keep suffering this shit existence.


Brother, I feel you this is why I have the energy to go on. As I said I choose to suffer in this existence , the hell that has been put upon us shows no end.

But there is an end, you channel that suffering you take plight in your family's love, you see what they have done to us. The veil that has been cast over the world is starting to fade, the true picture is forming the fake illusion they seed among us is breaking,

We as men will tear this down and build the new utopia that was destroyed. Everyone has worth we will utilise, they need us more then we need them.

Start now! Put down that poison, embrace that suffering is strength. Do not submit to their will, they have nothing with out us, turn that TV off, put down that phone. Look to the stars and see what's truly within you and within our lost civilisation . That they want to see DESTROYED.

- The lizard brain society.

on what basis are you going to rebuild it? through decades of calculated propaganda we have lost connections with our ancestors. the eternal jew made our youth bland and materialistic. I'm afraid we have too little brothers to do anything. I'm not saying to give up to apathy, but we need to lay out defined plan how to fight and destroy the Babylon of Lie.

Fuck off reptilians

We would need a centralized location. We all move there and take over the local government. That seems like the only thing that could work legally in the current system but a lot of people here are pacified with consumerism and can't face getting rid of their possessions.

>Lizard brain society
Sorry I'm a mammalian

You are wise in what you say brother. It is true, all hope does look lost, why even try? Propaganda is all around us, its true its hard to break that's why they use it. They want you to think you are alone, insane why bother? I am only one man how can I do anything.

The answer is you can, just buy breaking the chains of what they allure to you. Destroying them from the inside, how many souls do you see and brothers suffering in their traps. We have a trump card, we work in their banks, we plow their fields, we are everywhere.

We need brothers for this fight, this fight will be long you may never see any progress but the will is all that matters. Rebuilding our lost connections with our ancestors is here, they want us to fight they know we will win. We didn't build this world to be ruled by a select few. They will be the ones we cast in chains. Embrace your inner warrior we are born with, gain strength with one another. mold your body not only physically but mentally. Challenge yourself suffering is what we seek and embrace, they have no power over us. Our new society starts now, we have a goal a passion a clear path, we are explorers in the truest sense.

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I encourage you to research, seek out what is true within yourself Brothers. We are in the fight of our lives and our future.

I agree but all in good time, erosion doesn't occur instantly it takes time years but when it has errored away its sudden the breaking of the chains. Once this happens nothing can stop the true path we have lost but will regain.

Legally yes, it looks bleak as a current society we only see now, only see things in seconds we swipe away we have been trained to think this way and we can train our minds to repel back. We own the things we build, the systems we built, we work within them we maintain them and we protect them.

Our network and strength is within each other , the skills we have that they need we use for us. We build the blocks, we sow the fields we have the control.

I encourage you all to reach out to your brothers, pool your resources together. Start small, use your suffering and feelings of no hope in sight to fuel your fight. Talk to each other, think, plan, discuss your ideas. As we maybe one but as a collective we hold true power.

Time for change is now and the age of Men is the future the true path of why we are here and where will go. I applaud you to look upwards forwards and into the dark sky.

- The lizard brain society.

Mammals have a particular way of dealing with stress. Lizards are cursed to fight and flight reactions, but mammalians can regulate stress by the means of social contact with members of their species.

The lizard brain is something as mammalians all have in them. We understand what it is and how it effects us as humans and how to wield its power. You are taking it literally and not the undertones of what it stands for and how to utilise the power we have in us all.

I encourage your study on the topic though brother and wish you strength with the fight in the road ahead.

Based. I'm doing so too

Brother, I admire your stance and encourage you to start now. The first step is the hardest, but its the first step that will send vibrations across the lands and seas. The tide is turning, the age of Men is upon us, greatness for all will be achieved. Build on yourself and when you have struck the first blow the chains will wash away.

We are all in this fight together, our brotherhood and dedication well blossom a new dawn one that will send us into the heavens above and glory for all.

Build on your strength, your knowledge, your skills your inner power. As one and as many we have the ultimate power.

join the lizard brain society the dawn of men is here.