NATO Retards

Can't be that retarded right ?

100% wrong

Galactic levels of retard
NATO CDN hosting journalist kill list


Attached: NATO_Myrotvorets.jpg (1080x1681, 277.42K)

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>Can't be that retarded right ?
After a while you’ll end up with quota hirings being the majority of an organization, so the quality of the employees drop significantly. Cheers on their incompetence!

Jesus christ
This happens when a bunch of jews, bolsheviks, freemasons and homosexuals take control of your country.

kill list of people that speak out against Ukraine

mainly has journalist there, some kids, few western journos and even Kissinger

at one point it had Victor Orban listed

Attached: baddies.gif (447x250, 1.96M)

Oh thanks for clarifying. I remember hearing about it but I never checked it myself so I didn't remember the name

>inb4 NATO damage control shills claim "it was a russian plant!"

It's a kill list that's being allowed to exist on the clearnet. If you utter anything critical of Ukraine and have an audience, you'll appear on it sooner or later and millions of deranged hohol refugees will keep you in mind.

Basically the final step of cancel culture, what they always wanted to become but couldn't because there was a (pretend) constitution stopping them. And let me remind you that whatever Ukraine is doing right now is just the petri dish for the ZOG. It's just their testing ground where they can get away with anything and any sort of repression can be ran through Zelensky's regime and field tested directly. This is how our society will look like in the future but it will be us on these lists, and not some random kike diplomat who promoted neutrality towards Ukraine.

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What's the difference between those groups

Well said user. I had this in mind and you articulated it very well. It is a testing grounds.
Burgers had attempts at this with maps detailing Trump supporters that donated to his campaign. Many others as well

I can draw you a ven diagram

This is the level of competence you get with diversity hires.

>NATO CDN hosting journalist kill list
wtf I love nato now

It'd be a circle

but diversity is our strength or so it was said

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>notable vatnigger shill Gonzalo Lira

It's their strength. Not ours nor humanity's.

This is mental illness. You need help.

Noticing is a mental illness?
You guys suck at your jon

Oh, Carlos!

Paid NGO and Glow shills already buzzing in this thread

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Yes, exactly. There have been escalating attempts at canceling the ideological opposition or in general the only people left still criticizing this neoliberal regime and its globalism, but no one actually gives a fuck about social media and apparently the dissidents can just flee to telegram and Any Forums and other places as if nothing ever happened. Most keep their jobs too.

But check this out - how about cancelling them directly and physically instead? So yes, this is how our societies will look like 10 years down the line. I imagine that it will be something related to climate change and if you have a bad carbon score, you and your identity will be made public like a sex offender which will then trigger a dynamic similar to this myrotvorets site by the climate terrorists, who already exist by the way. And as you know it won't stop at just being "destructive to the planet" and will extend to everything else that challenges the regime.


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