This is 100% Computer Generated Image. How do people believe this is actually real?

This is 100% Computer Generated Image. How do people believe this is actually real?

Attached: Earth_Eastern_Hemisphere.jpg (2048x2048, 547.84K)

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Fake news

Attached: Screenshot_20220824-223821_Samsung Internet.jpg (597x665, 72K)

a = √[(r + h)2 - r2]

why did steve jobs put it as the default background for the first iphone?

No. It isn’t.

This is Jupiter
From a far view you can see hills like if you were to be in sadis Arabia. The land of sand hill

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>How do people believe this is actually real?
Most people don't have crippling schizophrenia

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO start trek is real nooooooo

Because he was a homo with AIDS

>CGI planet is issue
>wanking on hentai
Duality of Any Forums

Attached: 1645219662838.gif (350x576, 80.84K)

Collective delusion through group narrative reinforcement.
wheres the curvature?


Attached: Himawari8-1.jpg (1600x1600, 890.74K)

People are dumb. They need NASA(deception in hebrew) and luciferian computer magic to make sense of the world they live in. Believing in anything mainstream for the masses means you're part of their mindcontrol system. Sheep.

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you believed in the globe too at one point

Outer space is an occult concept invented by Renaissance hermeticist Giordano Bruno. We've been indoctrinated into outer space mythology because of its psychological power, to

1. Traumatise you by telling you that the world we live on is a speck of dust in a meaningless void, which induces feelings of being lost, adrift, hopeless, confused, etc.

2. Having been traumatised by the State's outer space mythology, it can then offer you healing from your trauma by indoctrinating you further into a pantheistic (WOAH WE'RE ALL STARDUST DUDE), progressive (WE'RE GOING TO BECOME LIKE STAR WARS / STAR TREK, MAN, SO ACCEPT CURRENT YEAR IDEOLOGY), statist (THE WORLD IS PURE CHAOS SO WE NEED A STRONG STATE OTHERWISE IT ALL FALLS APART), alienist/immigrationist (WE'RE ALL ALIENS IN THE COSMOS DUDE SO WHAT DOES IT MATTER IF MILLIONS OF FOREIGNERS ENTER THE COUNTRY?), humanist/globalist (DUDE WE ALL NEED TO JOIN TOGETHER IN A GLOBAL SUPERSTATE SO WE CAN COMPETE WITH THE LORAX ALIENS ON PLANET BUMBAX IV IN THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY) religion which coincidentally makes a complete mockery of Christianity and the Bible and the theistic God but we promise our renaissance occult doctrine isn't demonically inspired we promise.

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chirstcuck cope is unbearable

water is always level satan cuck

Just in b4'ing.

Attached: perfectlyNormalBehaviour.png (786x440, 72.22K)

Did any of us really have a choice? In elementary school, we were all told the earth is a ball in space and that ancient peoples all thought the earth was flat because they didn't have all our technology. Thinking the earth was flat was not even an option. Now think about what else the public schools are teaching our kids. They got away with globe earth, now they're obviously pushing homosexuality and transgenderism. But what other, smaller, seemingly insignificant things have they been lying to us about? If they can get us to believe the earth is a sphere with water clinging to it because "gravity" while at the same time teaching us the basic fact that water always seeks and finds its level, they could really get us to believe anything.

agree. what else is right in front of our face that is actually a giant lie?