Goodbye frens

Czech Republic section of the Elbe River have revealed a sharp warning inscribed in German centuries ago: “Wenn du mich siehst, dann weine.”

The phrase translates to “If you see me, then weep.”

The inscription was written as a famine warning to future generations.

It's over, no link because it doesn't matter we are all going to die

Attached: 166141275296624204.jpg (900x505, 126.94K)


Harvest season is almost over

Attached: 1661353813455980.jpg (654x469, 24.63K)

Its not about food..war,desease n chaos will engulf Europe this winter.

So that survived centuries of rushing water without erosion? I'm a little skeptical

The mutt's stupidity knows no bounds

Am I seeing this right or was it lower in 1984? Just below the water.

It's a low tech Nilometer

Attached: Nilometer.jpg (600x399, 70.27K)

Its 34

I hate you

as said many times before there is no 'weep' in 'If you see me, then weep'.
>there is only w
>no eep
i have not seen old pictures that indicate that this was ever written the way it is reported. this fucking thing could have meant anythng including a way longer marking of 3,4 or 5 fucking lines

I thought it was '34 but the socialist star makes more sense to mark it into '84.

It actually say rightfully German clay

Attached: I'm on to you.gif (328x328, 1.48M)

So there were droughts throughout history? Thanks for pointing out humans continue to have zero control or effect in the climate.

The Mississippi is still doing fine, friend.

The Guardian article is from a few days ago. However if you reverse search the pic in the OP, you will find stories from 2018 - and the water seemed to be even lower back then.

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-25 um 10.16.12.png (1220x1354, 2.28M)

Kek. Nice noticing

We saw these 10 years ago too. Or almost did. I’ve seen this years ago for sure

Note how before the 1700s they made their 1's with I's or J's. So I654 or J654

we used to meme 2 more weeks before it was cool

Attached: 1659810296541468.jpg (656x679, 30.74K)


Attached: 1616022521653.jpg (225x225, 12.83K)

so, shit like this happened before industrialization?