MFW - it would be better to be in a concentration camp in WW2 than being homeless today

>top: some liberal city, park benches designed to make impossible for the homeless to lay down.
>bottom: literally Dachau


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>tfw you'll never experience comfy close quarters bunks with your jew frens, work manual labor to improve your physique and stay away from the brutal battlefield on the fronts
My only gripe would be the food

plus soccer practice and jewssy to smash a few blocks away.
mfw it was like a summer camp from 1940 to 1944 before the food shortages started to be a problem

Summer camps don't have armed guards but it was still somehow manageable until barbarossa.

summer camps don't have communist saboteurs either

Benches are not beds. If you allow them to sleep there, they won't ever leave. Then you need more benches. Then you get more homeless.

I bet all those 7 year olds were chomping at the bit to firebomb ammunition factories

Everyone who stays homeless in the West, wants to be homeless
There are an endless amount of fed/state/local and religious charities, but they all require some form of sobriety
Have you ever tried to give a hobo a loaf of bread? They throw it at you because it isn’t a goonsack

the point is how each society treats even the most undesirable

you stupid mutt

Nice reddit spacing you nigger faggot

I liked the ones they set up in NYC - it was grated and in some places single grates stuck out such that it would really hurt lying down there. The libs at least have good imagination when it comes to hurting poor ppl.

>A bunch of faggots sharing bunks while having a piss-orgy in the barracks
>Look how horribly they were treated!

I thought those ones looked /comfy/ like a lazyboy; those little ridges didn't look that bad to a triple layered hobo trying to stay warm

That's Dachau near the end of the war. Inmates from camps in the east were evacuated westward creating a crowding problem. Originally it was one man, one bunk.

Being homeless is hell on earth. What a nightmare that must be. Looking at extreme displays of wealth next to immense poverty is a jarring reminder that the world is cruel and does not care for your suffering. Thinking about anything for longer than 5 seconds will make you cry.

I'm sure they were.

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I got jebaited

Guess it would be some Princess and the Pea type of deal, where even with your full homeless iron man suit it would break your back over time

Most of them are legitimately schizophrenic to begin with. That's part of the reason they get pissed at you for actually trying to help them, they're paranoid you're out to get them.
They already have social security disability income and they probably had a place to live until they walked out or destroyed it trying to stop the government from listening in on them.

Can't separate parents from their kids, after all.

if the homeless are so incompetent they cannot get a sleeping bag and have to be at the mercy of liberal city design to keep them comfortable they deseve to be homeless

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I consneed

concentration camps look nicer than 90% of apartments in the usa

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Those never helped me, and I looked for help. I got turned away by everyone when I was homeless, but I’m a White male that isn’t an addict, so that’s probably why.

Despite the camps being such a supposed fucking horror show, kikes refused to leave them afterward. In some cases they leeched on to the free room and board at the camps for over six goddamned months until the soviets forced them out.

>go be homeless

You should’ve told them that you identify as a battered woman
Modern problems require modern solutions

Hang around a death camp where your entire family was liquidated and forced into masturbation machines and the roller coaster oven train?
Or spend a couple of shekels and leave the hell, death, and destruction?
Oy Vey! Spend shekels? I'll just pop a squat here were grandma was rapped to death by the camp dogs.
Rent free, goyim!

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