How do you stop being a hateful person

How can you stop being hateful when everyone else mocks and hates you?

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If everyone is either retarded or a sociopath except for a few people, you hate them because of it, and they hate and mock you, this could mean…

find Christ

Just do what normies do.

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don't. being hateful will keep you sharp in old age

The only thing we should hate is the suppression of information and thereby competition

Not entirely accurate. They want to seem like they are those things, but personally they're quite miserable. Those that are bullied have a clear conscience and pure nature free of embitterment, something that the bully envies

I was going to tell you to kill yourself for being a furfag, but upon opening the thread, it seems the image you posted is just made by menopaused cool wine aunt /crazy cat lady, so still very cringe but at least not made by furfags and slightly less deserving of death as a result

>that pic
bully here, can confirm

Studies on bullies also show they have lower testosterone and higher estrogen

This is why Benjamin Franklin promoted thr education system and why Albert Einstein was a big advocate for libraries

The only reason I am hateful is because God continues to permit people like you to exist

>How can you stop being hateful when everyone else mocks and hates you?
Just think about yourself, yeah sound lazy response but wroked for me, I started to ignore the voices outside and live how I liked, without giving a fuck and then you'll notice that you'll live Rent Free in the mind s of others while they mock you and seethe when they see you while you just walk with a smile thinking
>Wow i'm really ruining the life of others by just beign happy

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Also, it is important to consider what makes someone a bully. It has to be someone who purposely and sadistically tries to pick on and target a specific individual repeatedly
over and over without showing remorse and regard. Someone making a comment that accidentally hurts your feelings is not really true bullying
t. someone who has played the suspect and victim

lol your god isn't real, you're a schizo furry who has an imaginary friend and you can't understand why the god you make up inside your mind can't do magic in the real world

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It's true, however the lack of a victim makes them more likely to commit sudoku.
I've been both the victim and the bully, buy I'd always target those who could take it and nondiscriminatorily.
My bully did targeted attacks, and once the targets moved away/defended themselves they crumpled into a depressive state.
More clever bullies formed groups of non-bullies; much like alphas and an honorary beta male which they targeted. Constantly pushing and pulling on them to have a collective.
I have transcended this as I've become quite tall, and I am precieved as dominant or an alpha without having to bully.
None of the victims i know of have committed sudoku, but a whopping THREE of the bullies had.
When you are bullied you learn to achieve happiness in other ways, meaning you don't have to chase social relations or dominance.
Being the victim of bullying is in the long run the better strat.

I want to fuck that cat.


gato sexo

Nah, cluster Bs are the elite of this society of idiots and criminals. They get pleasure from acting like niggers.

And everything is an “accident” when a dindu is involved and about “hurt feelings” instead of medical experimentation, theft, illegal spying, …

Lack of narcissistic supply.


That picture is full of shit.
All my highschool bullies are manlets.

turn off the internet.
if going without the internet for ...a single day is too hard then you know you have a real problem and need a break fer sure. lol

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>bullies are delusional

>muh gawd

he isnt real dipshit lmao

SEX! Sex with hot cat MILF!

Use the internet to back up your racism with facts.