Tim Poole is the stupidest motherfucker on earth

Why does anyone listen to this moron? I swear if there weren’t occasional good guests I would never listen to his show.

He literally suggests at this moment that both the Nazis and the Communists came to power INSTANTLY without a ‘civil war’. We can give him a pass on what happened in Germany because not a lot people understand that there was effectively a state of civil war in Germany between communists and fascist leading up to the Nazis taking power. But Russia? Come on nigger! There was a civil war in Russia right after the revolution from 1918 to 1922, reds Vs whites. Anyone who has read a book on the history of the Soviet Union knows this, why does anyone take this idiot seriously.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I thought he was referring to that? The subject was marx right? And the beginning of socialism.. maybe I’m confused. I thought he was talking about the Bolsheviks. And yes Tim needs to stop interrupting every guest and shoehorning his opinion in mid convo.

He’s a stepping stone to more fun stuff. When he pops up the first time, you are still watching mostly fucks news. He isn’t for you.

>listening to a chinstrap

Tim Pool was too stupid to graduate high school and he has never read a book in his life. All his knowledge is from playing Tony Hawk 2 and Marvel movies



What are the political implications of being mentally stuck in the 2000s like Tim Pool is?

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Yeah, but his band kicks ass and his voice makes Springsteen sound like lounge act.

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Jesus that’s cringe

he is under more pressure to forward specific narratives as we approach elections and he becomes insufferable
he's a glowie football being kicked around between black hats (CIA Cassandra Fairbanks) and white hats (NSA/Naval Intelligence Poso).

Tim is paying a reputation management firm to try to advertise his music in these threads and its fucking pathetic


“staring at the heartache in your soul as your heart fell to pieces”

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>millions in the bank
Not so stupid.

>Mixed race individuals are retarded

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TimCuck loves to brag about his chickens and shitty vegetable garden like he's not clawing to go back to city living.
Dude is the embodiment of "hello fellow politically minded people". The only one as obsessed with hat wearing as Ben Shapiro

someone, and not his patreon subscribers or his overt sponsors, is paying him, and people like him, to be retarded
everyone being retarded in public with their name attached is getting paid
nobody sings happy birthday for free

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Tim Pool is classic midwit grifter.
He’s basically the Better Call Saul of YouTube.
I respect he sometimes figures out the truth but overall Russell Brand is by far the better “redpill” entry level guy.
I pity anyone giving Tim Pool money.

American mutts never know what the fuck happened during the world wars.
Hell they don't even know where europe is, or what world war two was.