Marijuana legality

Give me one good reason for marijuana to be illegal.

All illegality does is put at risk people in prison, negatively effectingthem for the rest of their life. Why would you vote for a politician who is behind wasting time and money on such a pointless affair? Doesn't that kind of indicate that they don't know what they're doing?

That's what made me switch my vote from Abbott to Beto, who plans on legalizing marijuana in Texas if elected governor this november.

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It's addictive.

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>blah blah blah blah

20 year old useless burnout with no ambitions wondering why his drug fix is still illegal. again.

It makes you gay

Any place where alcohol is also illegal.

In Texas I don't think there is any except like corrupt reasons.

First of all im 44, second, go ahead tell me why it is illegal, and while you're at it tell me why its bad to think it being illegal is stupid? Its more relevant to every day life than any gun control stuff is and you people go into full blown tantrums over not being allowed to own machine guns

drug users of any kind are in the same camp as liberals, pedos, lefties, trannies, gays, libertarians and the like

It's a highly addictive intoxicant that also causes irreversible birth defects. There's literally no reason for it to be legal except to bribe potheads for their vote and to funnel money to criminals.

I don't believe you

Pretty much. I went to a norml meeting in Texas and it was like an epiphany of why it's illegal. Not why it should be but just why it still is.

>highly addictive intoxicant
Lol no
>that also causes irreversible birth defects.

Such as..?

>There's literally no reason for it to be legal
There are about 5 in the op image alone >except to bribe potheads for their vote
So the only reason you would legalize it is that people would vote for somebody who won't lock them up for consuming a harmless substance? Wow what kind of monster would do that?

>and to funnel money to criminals.
As opposed to what marijuana laws in illegal states do?

Face it. This is an issue you've lost on. Even a majority of Republicans support legalization. Youre just being stubborn and alienating massive swaths of people for no reason other than smoking weed makes you butthurt.

I’m trying to get off it currently and i’m telling you that shit absolutely messes with your brain. Fucks up your memory, your motivation, your temper, your social skills, everything.

Medical-only could be okay if it was actually competently regulated (it’s not, at least in NJ). Worked out well for my dad with PTSD, keeps him from drinking as much and I’d rather him pop an edible or smoke a bowl than down a 6 pack.

>highly addictive caffeine is more addictive
>irreversible birth defects yeah in your bra
>bribe potheads and cancer patients
>money to criminals make legal = less criminals

When I was growing and selling it back when it was illegal I would have had less legal consequences then I would face today. Getting a license isn't easy and the state has a monopoly on Marijuana distribution. Basically funding the government. Which is something I am opposed to as I believe individuals should be allowed to do so for their benefit. I don't want tax money going to union government employees. That money could be used on other ventures. Like cocaine or heroin.

>illegality does is put at risk people in prison, negatively effectingthem for the rest of their life.
That's actually not that big an issue in Texas anymore relatively speaking. Texas has made huge strides about that in the last decade. At both ends of the spectrum. All major cities and a lot of smaller cities have all but decriminalized it. Then also I couldn't tell you the last time I saw a big drug raid even have marijuana. Prosecution reform is literally the last reason reason to legalize it in my opinion. As a matter of fact that's the big pacifier they wanna give us. Yeah it may be decriminalized but I still can't reasonably get fucking weed. And they know it and that's why they try and pacify us with that to get votes.


If you don't believe it's addictive, you're an idiot. If you don't believe it causes birth defects, you can't perform a simple internet search. No one wants pot legalized except potheads and the farmers/dealers, and no matter how "legal" pot gets the illegal farmers/dealers will stay in business seeing how they never have to pay a single penny in tax on their product or profits.

>Lol no
Then try quitting, dope. Oh wait, you can't because you "just don't feel like it," right?

>harmless substance?
Addictive intoxicants aren't harmless. Anything that affects your reaction time or your ability to make rational decisions is going to get people killed when it's legalized. You're a fucking moron for not realizing that.

>As opposed to what marijuana laws in illegal states do?
Legalizing weed isn't going to put the cartels out of business, retard.

>massive swaths of people
Massive swaths of people are niggers too, I'm starting to believe you're one of them, too.

Niggers don't kill each other when they're high AF

its legal here and I am a lifelong pot smoker since my early teens I am now in my 30s, ive stopped for probably 6 months in total in that time period smoking. I dont think weed should ever be a crime you do jail time for because even if you claim there is weed 'addiction' nobody is robbing stores or people to get cash or weed when they run out ( niggers rob weed from dealers to profit sure ok)

When weed was illegal it created a perfect tax free black market for young people to make money and basically neet while contributing to society. ( you could bring a bag of weed to work and make a lot of extra cash)

Now with legalization everyone buys weed at the fuckin pot shops for stupid prices and doesnt care, can't really make a profit in the legal market unless you are financed through banks or institutions and even they are losing money. The 'black market' is now just a grey area 'tax evasion' and its mostly just selling illicitly to 'legal' dealers who put that 'illegal' weed into pot shops. Unless your in highschool still you can't keep a big enough clientele to make it worht while. I think at the end of the day its a major lose / lose for all parties involved.


I could see the argument that regional legalization brings in liberals and communists aka crime and degeneracy to your area. Plenty of places shitted up by druggy faggots.

Also, we need to make the distinction between true legalization and state monopoly. Cannabis isn't really legal until you can grow it yourself.

>That's what made me switch my vote from Abbott to Beto, who plans on legalizing marijuana in Texas if elected governor this november
So you'd rather have legal pot than your 2nd Amendment rights upheld? 44 years old and have the mentality of half that age, you're fucking pathetic.

>n word
...and there it is. Thank you for conceding the argument and continuing to provide zero backup for your post. You have my permission to leave the thread

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The legalization angle was how we got fucked. People had delusions of persecutions and they wanted "legalization" which in reality sidetracked medical Marijuana and municipal rights to allow retail sales in grey areas. They made the packaging requirements absurd. Especially if you consider banning plastic straws. Now everywhere is littered with hard plastic containers. Disposable vapes are another one. I beginning to think we're getting played.

legalize everything who the fuck cares
make good decisions for yourself and fuck off nigger
do you really need law enforcement to monitor what you consume? jesus christ

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Dumb junkie apes, the pros are HEMP PRODUCTS without modifying anything considerable about the existing farming industry, not some garbage drug, fuck cotton and fuck stoners.

There's literally no reason no argument
>muh addiction
only literal retards become addicted to weed,fucking faggots its not like it's meth or heroin,literally only virgin nerd faggots,boomer idiots and religious NPCs are against weed,in fact one of the reasons why isn't legal worldwide and the hemp used as a more environmental friendly replacement for things like paper is because of the kikes,also because it's easy money for the prision system (that benefits jews) and the pigs to get easy money from Potheads instead of getting the real criminals,this is the truth and a fact.

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making it illegal makes lefties seethe, that's a good enough reason

Actually there's been a lot of evidence that they actually commit the most violent crimes. Because with other drugs apparently at least one of the parties involved is all strung out. There was a huge spree of murders in Ohio or something about a decade ago that brought this whole issue to the forefront in court. All the murders were over weed dealing and stuff. And I've experienced that too. A surprising amount of murders here are over weed.

I agree weed makes people more peaceful and less violent but if shit goes down and it's all about drugs then apparently they're the most dangerous and violent.

Hey dumb fuck, hemp is ancient shit. The point of the plant as directed by nature is to experience her embrace, not make a fucking bag or a rope

Used to sell and smoke about 1/2 - 1 zip a week.

>Marijuana isn't highly addictive.
Well if that were true I wouldn't have people hitting me up consistently for their weed then if that wasn't the case.

Your body can create chemical dependencies when you introduce substance that fuck with your bodies reward path.

>Birth defects such as what

Smoking during any pregnancy can cause fetal development syndrome, but this really isn't an argument. You shouldn't smoke shit while pregnant.

More reasons: Cognative decline, the shit makes you actually retarded and does effect your Grey matter. You are intentionally dumbing yourself down every time you smoke and literally frying your short term memory. There's a reason you keep losing the remote, or standing up with a bowl in your lap, then shattering it.

It is literally a docile drug that weakens your cognitive ability to reason, which effects decision making, which effects rational thought, which effects political power to whoever supports the rat's source of cheese.

Marijuana had me literally sweating under the covers for an entire week when I had my withdraws. Was extremely painful and mentally draining. It was like being sick, but worse.

Make Prohibition Great Again

All you christcucks should not be able to drink your wine you pieces of degenerate shit.

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Read a history book pots illegal because racist big paper didn't want the blacks and Mexicans dicking down there white wife's high on Marijuana listening to jazz.

Canada and US are really different regarding medicine though. The system we have for legal weed in America works 100% as far as I know. Any type of medical thing here opens the window to us being fucked. It can go the other way too and it does but full legality exactly like alcohol seems to always work here.

Look at all these fucking losers wasting their lives on an image board talking down to people wasting their lives smoking a plant.

cool story just don’t live around niggers and you’ll be fine

Wow your a fucking loser lmao

Fuckin trash, you can make much better fabric, much better paper at a faster rate and best of all you can do it in my climate instead of importing subpar cotton, the remains of the industry you just feed to beasts.
You niggers are just wasting everyone's time, this is how you get it liberalised, not your hedonistic horseshit.

>There's a reason you keep losing the remote, or standing up with a bowl in your lap, then shattering it
You are dumb and projecting. None of it a reason to be illegal

Prohibition was a massive failure

No these were all white people. But yeah don't get involved selling illegal drugs.

Youre an idiot. Hemp is already legal.

Something tells me that you never smoked weed. Alcohol is far more addictive than weed will be.

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show me where it says in our bill of rights "the right to freebasing with degenerates and crackwhores shall not be infringed"