Being homophobic now is the equivalent of being gay 20 years ago

Being homophobic now is the equivalent of being gay 20 years ago

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Yeah, except one is good and one is bad.

Who cares anymore

satanic inversion everywhere you look

There were always this many left handed people
There were always this many gay people
There were always this many trans people
>You are here
There were always this many stay at home dads

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redpill me on lefthanded people

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They all are Lovecraft Fish people from Shadow Over Innsmouth. They're like that due to the absorbing of fish DNA after being slapped with a salmon in Catholic school for writing with their left hand.

don't care, they're still freaks.

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I'm not homophobic, because there are some respectable gay men who simply don't fudge pack or suck cocks.

It's good not to promote degeneracy, that's for sure

I'm not homophobic. That is to say, I'm not scared of gays. I'm angry and disgusted by them.

So homophobia is going to rapidly become normalised?

I'm not a degenerate though.

It was real in your mind

Phobic ? Not in the least. Just so damn tired of them.

I am homodisgusted and homofuckingannoyed, not homophobic. Nobody is scared of faggots.

>you become what you hate trope

you should thank god or fate or science that you’re not gay or trans or a pedo. imagine.

ya, where freaks live

get around normal people a little bit, nothing changes

I think this might happen, because fags will push too much of their shit on others

The shit being pushed by LGBT groups isn't even popular among Homos. It's pure insanity pushed by evil (((elites))) who molest kids on pedo islands.
That being said, the lack of a large pushback by Gays in an organized fashion (pushback is happening but on a small scale) will undoubtedly make Gays seen the same way Catholic Priests are. Gays may be even more fucked since the LGBT groups all seem to be started by full blown child molesters.